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Works (5)

One Solution to Addressing Assessment Logistical Problems: An Experience Setting Up and Operating an In-person Testing Center

2024-03-07 | Conference paper
Contributors: Kelly Downey; Kris Miller; Mariana Silva; Craig Zilles
Source: check_circle

Impact of Student Time Spent on Performance in a CS1 Class, Including Prior Experience Effect

2023-06-29 | Conference paper
Contributors: Frank Vahid; Ashley Pang; Kelly Downey
Source: check_circle

Towards Grading for Equity in a Large CS1 Class: An Experience with Flexible Deadlines and Resubmissions

2023-06-29 | Conference paper
Contributors: Frank Vahid; Ashley Pang; Kelly Downey
Source: check_circle

Experiences Teaching Coral Before C++ in CS1

2023-03-02 | Conference paper
Contributors: Frank Vahid; Kelly Downey; Lizbeth Areizaga; Ashley Pang
Source: check_circle

Impact of Several Low-Effort Cheating-Reduction Methods in a CS1 Class

2023-03-02 | Conference paper
Contributors: Frank Vahid; Kelly Downey; Ashley Pang; Chelsea Gordon
Source: check_circle