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Works (5)

First-Trimester Plasmatic microRNAs Are Associated with Fasting Glucose Levels in Late Second Trimester of Pregnancy

2024-06-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Cécilia Légaré; Véronique Desgagné; Kathrine Thibeault; Frédérique White; Andrée-Anne Clément; Cédrik Poirier; Zhong-Cheng Luo; Michelle S. Scott; Pierre-Étienne Jacques; Patrice Perron et al.
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First trimester circulating miR-194-5p and miR-1278 improve prediction of preeclampsia

Pregnancy Hypertension
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Andrée-Anne Clément; Cécilia Légaré; Véronique Desgagné; Kathrine Thibeault; Frédérique White; Michelle S. Scott; Pierre-Étienne Jacques; William D. Fraser; Patrice Perron; Renée Guérin et al.
Source: check_circle

Time-course full profiling of circulating miRNAs in neurologically deceased organ donors: a proof of concept study to understand the onset of the cytokine storm

2022-11-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Andrée-Anne Clément; Daphnée Lamarche; Marie-Hélène Masse; Cécilia Légaré; Lee-Hwa Tai; Laurence Fleury Deland; Marie-Claude Battista; Luigi Bouchard; Frédérick D’Aragon
Source: check_circle

Maternal Body Mass Index Is Associated with Profile Variation in Circulating MicroRNAs at First Trimester of Pregnancy

2022-07-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Kathrine Thibeault; Cécilia Légaré; Véronique Desgagné; Frédérique White; Andrée-Anne Clément; Michelle S. Scott; Pierre-Étienne Jacques; Renée Guérin; Patrice Perron; Marie-France Hivert et al.
Source: check_circle
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HDL-enriched miR-30a-5p is associated with HDL-cholesterol levels and glucose metabolism in healthy men and women

2021-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Andrée-Anne Clément; Véronique Desgagné; Cécilia Légaré; Simon-Pierre Guay; Marjorie Boyer; Elizabeth Hutchins; François Corbin; Kendall Van Keuren-Jensen; Benoit J Arsenault; Renée Guérin et al.
Source: check_circle