Personal information



Employment (5)

TU Wien: Vienna, AT

2024-03-01 to present | PostDoc (Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Georg C. Hofstaetter

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena: Jena, DE

2022-09-01 to 2024-02-29 | PostDoc (Institute of Mathematics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Georg C. Hofstaetter

Tel Aviv University: Tel Aviv, IL

2022-01-01 to 2022-06-30 | Postdoctoral Fellow (School of Mathematical Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Georg C. Hofstaetter

TU Wien: Vienna, AT

2021-10-14 to 2021-12-31 | PostDoc (Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Georg C. Hofstaetter

TU Wien: Vienna, AT

2018-08-01 to 2021-10-13 | PhD Student (Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Georg C. Hofstaetter

Funding (1)

Equivariant valuations, localizations and the valuation Nash theorem

FWF Austrian Science Fund (Vienna, AT)
GRANT_NUMBER: 10.55776/ESP9378724
Source: Self-asserted source
Georg C. Hofstaetter

Works (7)

Busemann-Petty type problems on complex vector spaces

2024 | Preprint
Contributors: Simon Ellmeyer; Georg C. Hofstaetter
Source: Self-asserted source
Georg C. Hofstaetter

Lefschetz operators on convex valuations

2024 | Preprint
Contributors: Leo Brauner; Georg C. Hofstaetter; Oscar Ortega-Moreno
Source: Self-asserted source
Georg C. Hofstaetter

Complex $L_p$-Intersection Bodies

Advances in Mathematics
2023 | Journal article
Version of ARXIV: 10.48550/ARXIV.2304.00794
Contributors: Simon Ellmeyer; Georg C. Hofstaetter
Source: Self-asserted source
Georg C. Hofstaetter

Convex valuations, from Whitney to Nash

2023-06-14 | Preprint
Contributors: Dmitry Faifman; Georg C. Hofstaetter
Source: Self-asserted source
Georg C. Hofstaetter

Equivariant Endomorphisms of Convex Functions

Journal of Functional Analysis
2022-07-20 | Journal article
Version of ARXIV: 2207.09758
Contributors: Georg C. Hofstaetter; Jonas Knoerr
Source: Self-asserted source
Georg C. Hofstaetter

Isoperimetric problems for Minkowski valuations

2021-10 | Dissertation or Thesis
OTHER-ID: AC16351645
Source: Self-asserted source
Georg C. Hofstaetter

Blaschke-Santaló inequalities for Minkowski and Asplund endomorphisms

Int. Math. Res. Not
2021-10-13 | Journal article
Version of ARXIV: 2101.07031
Contributors: Georg C. Hofstaetter; Franz E. Schuster
Source: Self-asserted source
Georg C. Hofstaetter

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Monatshefte für Mathematik. (1)