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Education and qualifications (2)

Swansea University: Swansea, Swansea, GB

1986-09-01 to 1991-01-01 | PhD Oceanography (Earth Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark Davidson

Swansea University: Swansea, Swansea, GB

1983-09-01 to 1986-09-01 | BSc Oceanography (Oceanography)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark Davidson

Works (50 of 51)

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A rules-based shoreface translation and sediment budgeting tool for estimating coastal change: ShoreTrans

Marine Geology
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: McCarroll, R. Jak; Masselink, Gerd; Valiente, Nieves G.; Scott, Timothy; Wiggins, Mark; Kirby, Josie-Alice; Davidson, Mark
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Modelling Cross-Shore Shoreline Change on Multiple Timescales and Their Interactions

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Schepper, Rob; Almar, Rafael; Bergsma, Erwin; de Vries, Sierd; Reniers, Ad; Davidson, Mark; Splinter, Kristen
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Forecasting coastal evolution on time-scales of days to decades

Coastal Engineering
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Mark Davidson
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<i>In-situ</i> Observations of Infragravity Response during Extreme Storms on Sand and Gravel Beaches

Journal of Coastal Research
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Billson, Oliver; Russell, Paul; Davidson, Mark; Poate, Tim; Amoudry, Laurent; Williams, Megan
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Blind testing of shoreline evolution models

Scientific Reports
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Montano, Jennifer; Coco, Giovanni; Antolinez, Jose A. A.; Beuzen, Tomas; Bryan, Karin R.; Cagigal, Laura; Castelle, Bruno; Davidson, Mark A.; Goldstein, Evan B.; Ibaceta, Raimundo et al.
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Seasonal Predictions of Shoreline Change, Informed by Climate Indices

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
2020-08 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Dan Hilton; Mark Davidson; Tim Scott
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Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Beach recovery from extreme storm activity during the 2013-14 winter along the Atlantic coast of Europe

Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Dodet, Guillaume; Castelle, Bruno; Masselink, Gerd; Scott, Timothy; Davidson, Mark; Floc'h, France; Jackson, Derek; Suanez, Serge
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Storm Event to Seasonal Evolution of Nearshore Bathymetry Derived from Shore-Based Video Imagery

Remote Sensing
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Bergsma, Erwin W. J.; Conley, Daniel C.; Davidson, Mark A.; O'Hare, Tim J.; Almar, Rafael
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Storm Waves at the Shoreline: When and Where Are Infragravity Waves Important?

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Billson, Oliver; Russell, Paul; Davidson, Mark
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Climate forcing of regionally-coherent extreme storm impact and recovery on embayed beaches

Marine Geology
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Burvingt, Olivier; Masselink, Gerd; Scott, Tim; Davidson, Mark; Russell, Paul
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Infragravity waves: From driving mechanisms to impacts

Earth-Science Reviews
2018 | Journal article
Contributors: Bertin, Xavier; de Bakker, Anouk; van Dongeren, Ap; Coco, Giovanni; Andre, Gael; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Bonneton, Philippe; Bouchette, Frederic; Castelle, Bruno; Crawford, Wayne C. et al.
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Annual prediction of shoreline erosion and subsequent recovery

Coastal Engineering
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Davidson, Mark A.; Turner, Ian L.; Splinter, Kristen D.; Harley, Mitchel D.
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Correcting wave reflection estimates in the coastal zone

Coastal Engineering
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Inch, Kris; Davidson, Mark; Masselink, Gerd; Russell, Paul
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Grain-size distributions on high-energy sandy beaches and their relation to wave dissipation

2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Prodger, Sam; Russell, Paul; Davidson, Mark
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Observations of nearshore infragravity wave dynamics under high energy swell and wind-wave conditions

Continental Shelf Research
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Inch, Kris; Davidson, Mark; Masselink, Gerd; Russell, Paul
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Accurate Estimation of Wave Reflection on a High Energy, Dissipative Beach

Journal of Coastal Research
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Inch, Kris; Davidson, Mark; Masselink, Gerd; Russell, Paul
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Beach Morphological Predictions: The Impact of a Temporally Varying Sediment Fall Velocity

Journal of Coastal Research
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Prodger, Sam; Russell, Paul; Davidson, Mark; Miles, Jon
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Evaluation of Opportunistic Shoreline Monitoring Capability Utilizing Existing "Surfcam" Infrastructure

Journal of Coastal Research
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Bracs, Melissa A.; Turner, Ian L.; Splinter, Kristen D.; Short, Andrew D.; Lane, Chris; Davidson, Mark A.; Goodwin, Ian D.; Pritchard, Tim; Cameron, Daylan
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Subtidal and Intertidal Three-Dimensionality at a High Energy Macrotidal Beach

Journal of Coastal Research
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Stokes, Christopher; Russell, Paul; Davidson, Mark
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The extreme 2013/2014 winter storms: Beach recovery along the southwest coast of England

Marine Geology
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Scott, Tim; Masselink, Gerd; O'Hare, Tim; Saulter, Andrew; Poate, Tim; Russell, Paul; Davidson, Mark; Conley, Daniel
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The extreme 2013/2014 winter storms: hydrodynamic forcing and coastal response along the southwest coast of England

Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Masselink, Gerd; Scott, Tim; Poate, Tim; Russell, Paul; Davidson, Mark; Conley, Daniel
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Understanding and predicting the temporal variability of sediment grain size characteristics on high-energy beaches

Marine Geology
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Prodger, Sam; Russell, Paul; Davidson, Mark; Miles, Jon; Scott, Tim
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Observation and prediction of three-dimensional morphology at a high-energy macrotidal beach

2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Stokes, Christopher; Davidson, Mark; Russell, Paul
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A generalized equilibriummodel for predicting daily to interannual shoreline response

Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Splinter, Kristen D.; Turner, Ian L.; Davidson, Mark A.; Barnard, Patrick; Castelle, Bruno; Oltman-Shay, Joan
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Storm-driven cusp behaviour on a high energy gravel beach

Journal of Coastal Research
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Poate, T. G.; Masselink, G.; McCall, R. M.; Russell, P. E.; Davidson, M. A.
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Barlow, Matthew J.; Gresty, Karen; Findlay, Malcolm; Cooke, Carlton B.; Davidson, Mark A.
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A simple equilibrium model for predicting shoreline change

Coastal Engineering
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Davidson, M. A.; Splinter, K. D.; Turner, I. L.
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High frequency in-situ field measurements of morphological response on a fine gravel beach during energetic wave conditions

Marine Geology
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Poate, Timothy; Masselink, Gerd; Davidson, Mark; McCall, Robert; Russell, Paul; Turner, Ian
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How much data is enough? The importance of morphological sampling interval and duration for calibration of empirical shoreline models

Coastal Engineering
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Splinter, Kristen D.; Turner, Ian L.; Davidson, Mark A.
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Monitoring data requirements for shoreline prediction: How much, how long, and how often?

Journal of Coastal Research
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Splinter, Kristen D.; Davidson, Mark A.; Turner, Ian L.
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Observations of the swash zone on a gravel beach during a storm using a laser-scanner (Lidar)

Journal of Coastal Research
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Almeida, Luis Pedro; Masselink, Gerd; Russell, Paul; Davidson, Mark; Poate, Tim; McCall, Robert; Blenkinsopp, Chris; Turner, Ian
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Predicting overwash on gravel barriers

Journal of Coastal Research
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: McCall, Robert; Masselink, Gerd; Poate, Timothy; Bradbury, Andrew; Russell, Paul; Davidson, Mark
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Climate controls on longshore sediment transport

Continental Shelf Research
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Splinter, Kristen D.; Davidson, Mark A.; Golshani, Aliasghar; Tomlinson, Rodger
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The effect of temporal wave averaging on the performance of an empirical shoreline evolution model

Coastal Engineering
2011 | Journal article
Contributors: Davidson, M. A.; Turner, I. L.; Guza, R. T.
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Forecasting seasonal to multi-year shoreline change

Coastal Engineering
2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Davidson, M. A.; Lewis, R. P.; Turner, I. L.
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A behavioral template beach profile model for predicting seasonal to interannual shoreline evolution

Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
2009 | Journal article
Contributors: Davidson, M. A.; Turner, I. L.
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A simple numerical model for inlet sedimentation at intermittently open-closed coastal lagoons

Continental Shelf Research
2009 | Journal article
Contributors: Davidson, M. A.; Morris, B. D.; Turner, I. L.
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2009 | Journal article
Contributors: Morris, Bradley D.; Turner, Ian L.; Davidson, Mark A.
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The Morpho-dynamics of a Beach Protected by Detached Breakwaters in a High Energy Tidal Environment

Journal of Coastal Research
2009 | Journal article
Contributors: Fairley, I.; Davidson, M.; Kingston, K.
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A two-dimensional wave flume investigation into the effect of multiple vertical steps on the form of breaking waves

Journal of Coastal Research
2008 | Journal article
Contributors: Fairley, Iain; Davidson, Mark A.
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An evolutionary categorisation model for backbarrier environments

Marine Geology
2008 | Journal article
Contributors: Carrasco, A. R.; Ferreira, O.; Davidson, M.; Matias, A.; Dias, J. A.
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Tidal modulation of incident wave heights: Fact or fiction?

Journal of Coastal Research
2008 | Journal article
Contributors: Davidson, M. A.; O'Hare, T. J.; George, K. J.
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Beach recreation planning using video-derived coastal state indicators

Coastal Engineering
2007 | Journal article
Contributors: Jimenez, J. A.; Osorio, A.; Marino-Tapia, I.; Davidson, M.; Medina, R.; Kroon, A.; Archetti, R.; Ciavola, P.; Aamikhof, S. G. J.
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Coupling video imaging and numerical modelling for the study of inlet morphodynamics

Marine Geology
2007 | Journal article
Contributors: Siegle, Eduardo; Huntley, David A.; Davidson, Mark A.
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Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Management of dynamic navigational channels using video techniques

Coastal Engineering
2007 | Journal article
Contributors: Medina, R.; Marino-Tapia, I.; Osorio, A.; Davidson, M.; Martin, F. L.
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The role of video imagery in predicting daily to monthly coastal evolution

Coastal Engineering
2007 | Journal article
Contributors: Smit, M. W. J.; Aaminkhof, S. G. J.; Wijnberg, K. M.; Gonzalez, M.; Kingston, K. S.; Southgate, H. N.; Ruessink, B. G.; Holman, R. A.; Siegle, E.; Davidson, M. et al.
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Developing coastal video monitoring systems in support of coastal zone management

Journal of Coastal Research
2006 | Journal article
Contributors: Davidson, M. A.; Aarninkhof, S. G. J.; Van Koningsveld, M.; Holman, R. A.
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Tidally modulated sediment transport processes on a shore-attached sandbar

Journal of Coastal Research
2006 | Journal article
Contributors: Tapia, I. J. Marino; Aird, N.; Davidson, M. A.; Kingston, K.; Ganderton, P.
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Tidal inlet function: Field evidence and numerical simulation in the INDIA project

Journal of Coastal Research
2003 | Journal article
Contributors: Williams, JJ; O'Connor, BA; Arens, SM; Abadie, S; Bell, P; Balouin, Y; Van Boxel, JH; Do Carmo, AJ; Davidson, M; Ferreira, O et al.
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Modelling Water Surface Topography at a Complex Inlet System - Teignmouth, UK

Journal of Coastal Research
2002 | Journal article
Contributors: Siegle, Eduardo; Huntley, David A.; Davidson, Mark A.
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Peer review (4 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Coastal engineering. (3)
Review activity for Journal of marine science and engineering. (1)