Personal information
Over the timespan of my professional career as an applied psychologist I worked on the design of information, human-computer interaction, various topics associated with depression, anxiety eating disorders and psychosis. I also worked on a variety of interdisciplinary projects with artists. At the point at which I retired from full time research there were a number of active projects -
[a] Core Theoretical work on Interacting Cognitive Subsystems - a macro-theory of mental architecture. Modelling addresses issues in attention, memory and psychopathology as well as the evolution and processing of meaning.
[b] Schematic models (of self, others and world) and executive mode (how they are processed) – covers experiments on memory and attention in both healthy participants and those with psychopathology (including anxiety, depression, mania and schizophrenia).
[c] Brain networks underlying affective representations and executive control in healthy participants, patients with frontal lesions and dementia.
[d] Use of mental resources, particularly imagery, in creative activities such as choreography, music and drama.
(e) The Evolution of Mental Architectures across the hominin line of descent.