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José Ángel Galindo has developed his research activity working in the United States, France, and Spain. His research areas are Variability intensive systems, cybersecurity, DSLs, and automated analysis of software product lines. He began his undergraduate studies at the U. Seville by taking a diploma in Computer Engineering. Later, he continued his career in the studies of bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and master’s degree in Software Engineering and Technology. His first research work focused on developing variability management tools such as FaMa and BeTTy, which are widely used both in academia and industry in the context of product lines. Here is when the candidate acquired several theoretical underpinnings about automated analysis and developed tooling for that purpose.
His thesis was funded by the Junta de Andalucía (local government) under the Talentia –highly competitive– excellence grants for the development of international PhDs and by the French government through the competition to several ambitious projects at the national level. His thesis explores the use of automated analysis of models in high variability systems. His thesis work was developed in the USA, France, and Spain, obtaining a doctoral degree from the U. Seville and the U. Rennes 1 in March 2015 through a co-tutorship program. This thesis was awarded as the best national thesis in the context of SISTEDES and the best thesis in the area at the U. Seville.
His research on software product lines, high variability systems, and product configuration used the framework of the ATAACK cloud project funded by the United States government and developed within Virginia Tech University, where he developed a cloud system for the efficient testing of Android applications. Secondly, the candidate worked within the context of optimizing the testing of video analysis algorithms, which pushed the context of variability analysis beyond the analysis of software product lines. This second validation is framed in the context of the MOTIV project of the French government, which closes with a total of three collaborating companies using the software developed.
He has developed his postdoctoral research activity in the Diverse research group at the INRIA research center. This activity was developed mainly within the Cybersecurity project funded by the French defense department, which focused on model-driven development for the generation of filtering policies for communication protocols. There, we provided the knowledge and tooling to understand how different protocols can be insecure. Later he obtained a “Juan de la Cierva” scholarship in Seville, where he worked on the consolidation of the variability analysis area knowledge and the research on scaling over automated analysis solutions. Recently, he started to work as a professor “Titular de Universidad” where he complement his research and teaching duties with the organization of different conferences and workshops where the candidate collaborates as a member of the program committee.
Main scientific contributions. José Ángel has published a total of 20 journals indexed in WOS as well as another that is in press. Also, he has communicated a total of 7 full-paper contributions in the main tracks of conferences in the SCIE ranking (class 1 and 2). He has published more than 30 contributions in a variety of venues. His works have been cited in a total of 1247 contributions. Currently, he has been leading the development of state-of-the-art tooling from the SPL and variability area.
Internationalization. More than half of his career has been developed beyond Spain national borders. This has led to the co-authoring of papers and tools with researchers from more than 30 different institutions. Also, José Ángel's main efforts have been on promoting and putting extra value on the research started in Seville in multiple research projects. Also, he realized various research stays in Ecuador, which let him maintain contact with several Latin-America universities.