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Associate Professor at FEA-RP/USP, in charge of the Law Area of the Department of Business Administration. Master (1998) and Ph.D. (2003) in Linguistics and Portuguese Language at UNESP-FCLAr, and High-Doctorate (2020) in Ethics and Business Legislation at FEA-RP/USP. Teacher and advisor in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program on Latin American Integration at USP (PROLAM-USP). Coordinates the research group "Habeas Data - Empirical Legal Studies." Leader at the extension project "Café com Morilas" (Instagram, Youtube, and Podcast), aimed at democratizing Law and academic topics using accessible language for the general public. Member of the Brazilian Association "Elas no Processo" (ABEP). Coordinator of the 9th Region of the São Paulo School of Advocacy (ESA-SP), an organization linked to the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB). Vice-coordinator of IBDFAM - São Carlos chapter. She developed two researches under the Project “Justiça Pesquisa”, in its 3rd edition, in 2019, "Empirically Evaluated Mediation and Conciliation: Jurimetrics to Propose Efficient Actions" as a participant, and in the 5th edition, in 2022, "Empirical Study of Demands Involving People with Disabilities”, as the coordinator. Coordinator of the research project "Women's (Im)Mobility in Times of Crisis" (2002-2021), funded by UGPN (University Global Network Parntership). She teaches the subjects Legal Institutions, Labor Law, Commercial Law, Tax Law, International Law, and Administrative Law to Business Administration students. She was the honored professor of the Business Administration class in the years 2012 and 2023, and the Patron in the year 2022.