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Works (3)

Analysis of Fast Fluorescence Kinetics of a Single Cyanobacterium Trapped in an Optical Microcavity

2023-01-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Tim Rammler; Frank Wackenhut; Johanna Rapp; Sven zur Oven-Krockhaus; Karl Forchhammer; Alfred J. Meixner; Klaus Harter
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Strong coupling between an optical microcavity and photosystems in single living cyanobacteria

Journal of Biophotonics
2022-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1864-063X
Part of ISSN: 1864-0648
Contributors: Tim Rammler; Frank Wackenhut; Sven zur Oven‐Krockhaus; Johanna Rapp; Karl Forchhammer; Klaus Harter; Alfred J. Meixner
Source: Self-asserted source
Tim Rammler

Long-range quantum coherence of the photosystem 2 complexes in living cyanobacteria

2019-12-13 | Preprint
Contributors: T. Rammler; F. Wackenhut; S. zur Oven-Krockhaus; J. Rapp; K. Forchhammer; K. Harter; A. J. Meixner
Source: check_circle