Personal information

Composites, Mechanical properties, Hybrids, Thin-ply, Spread tow


I received my Mechanical Engineering Diploma degree from Eafit University in 2002. In June of 2000 I started working as Research and Development Engineer in Fibratore, a Latin-American leader Company in designing and manufacturing industrial products made in fiberglass. As part of my work at Fibratore and bachelor’s thesis I developed the project “Transmission and Distribution Poles and Luminaries in FRP” awarded with “Award of Excellence in Composites Materials under the category Volume Generation by FEIPLAR COMPOSITES at Sao Paulo Brazil at 2004. In 2006, I created the company Go Composites with the goal of designing and developing by first time toe caps for security shoes. This product, mainly manufactured in steel, had problems due to its electrical and thermal conductivity especially electrical environments. Between 2006 and 2008 developed a non-metallic toe cap which additionally have reduced the total weight of the security shoes offering more comfort and ergonomics for the shoe’s users. In November of 2006 the new product was awarded with the Award of Excellence in Composites Materials under the category Market Innovation, by FEIPLAR COMPOSITES at Sao Paulo Brazil. This project was supported by Administrative Department of Science, Technology, and Innovation -Colciencias-, a Colombian government agency that promotes the development of science and technology in Colombia. In 2010 the proyect was scaled, by the support of Colciencias again, to produce massively the product according with international standards. This entailed developing an innovative manufacturing process by using liquid composite molding techniques, creating a specialized laboratory of research and designing and patenting new machinery without background in Colombia. In 2012 following a similar schema, were developed All-Composite anchors for personal fall arrest systems which shows similar problems related with conductivity and weight. In October of 2013 this new design was awarded with Innovation Awards Americas 2013 by JEC Composites under the Category Personal Safety. All this design initiatives have required studying topics related with manufacturing, designing and testing of composites materials. Thank to this, several training were received in Brazil, Canada and United States. However working day by day entailed working with the principal universities and research groups related with composite materials. The projects developed with the support of Colciencias were made with the group GINUMA of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. In 2009, I started to work with Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano an academic center supported by the government of Medellín City. There was created a specialized composites’ laboratory where I have researched about liquid composites molding. This research activities have converged in 2013 with an scholarship for a PhD in Engineering, supported again by Colciencias. In 2014 I have started an European Master that will allow me continuing with a double PhD. Degree with the University of Girona and his AMADE Group.


Employment (4)

Grupo Orbis / O-tek: Medellín, Medellín, CO

2016-11-28 to present | Resposable Unidad Estrategica Negocio Postes (Antioquia)
Source: Self-asserted source
Juan David Vanegas-Jaramillo

Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano: Medellín, Antioquia, CO

2009-01-10 to present | Researcher (Grupo de Investigación de Materiales Avanzados y Energía)
Source: Self-asserted source
Juan David Vanegas-Jaramillo

Go Composites / Dotakondor: Medellín, Antioquia, CO

2006-01-13 to 2014-05-30 | Technical Manager
Source: Self-asserted source
Juan David Vanegas-Jaramillo

Fibratore S.A: Medellin, Antioquia, CO

2000-01-01 to 2006-01-11 | R&D Engineer (R&D)
Source: Self-asserted source
Juan David Vanegas-Jaramillo

Education and qualifications (3)

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana: Medellín, Antioquia, CO

2013-01-20 to 2018-07-25 | PhD. in Enegineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Juan David Vanegas-Jaramillo

Universitat de Girona Facultat de Ciencies: Girona, Catalunya, ES

2014-10-06 to 2015-11-06 | Master of Science in Mechanics of Materials and Structures
Source: Self-asserted source
Juan David Vanegas-Jaramillo

Universidad EAFIT: Medellin, Antioquia, CO

1994-01-30 to 2002-06-21 | Mechanical Engineer (Mechanical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Juan David Vanegas-Jaramillo