Personal information



Employment (4)

Intraservice Göteborgs Stad: Göteborg, VG, SE

2019-08-26 to present | Securiry Architect / Interim CISO (IT)
Source: Self-asserted source
Per Gustavsson

Atea AB: Skara, VG, SE

2017-08-21 to 2019-08-25 | Senior Advisor Cyber Security
Source: Self-asserted source
Per Gustavsson

Combitech AB: Skövde, SE

2016-12-01 to 2017-08-20 | Technology Evangelist
Source: Self-asserted source
Per Gustavsson

Combitech AB: SKövde, VG, SE

2013-09-01 to 2017-08-20 | Senior Advisor Cyber Security
Source: Self-asserted source
Per Gustavsson

Education and qualifications (5)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management: Cambridge, MA, US

2016-03-05 to 2016-03-18 | Executive Certificate in Strategy and Innovation
Source: Self-asserted source
Per Gustavsson

De Montfort University: Leicester, Leicester, GB

2003-03 to 2011-12-15 | PhD
Source: Self-asserted source
Per Gustavsson

University of Skövde: Skövde, VG, SE

1994-08 to 1995-12-15 | Master of Science in Computer Science (Institution for Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Per Gustavsson

University of Skövde: Skövde, VG, SE

1991-08 to 1994-08 | Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Institution for Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Per Gustavsson

Luftvärnets officershögskola (LVOHS/TS): Göteborg, VG, SE

1987-08 to 1989-04 | Officer
Source: Self-asserted source
Per Gustavsson

Professional activities (5)

University of Skövde: Skövde, VG, SE

2015-10-01 to present | Adjunct Senior Lecturer (Informatics)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Per Gustavsson

Swedish Defence University: Stockholm, SE

2013-01 to present | Affiliate Faculty (Command and Control Science)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Per Gustavsson

Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association: Fairfax, Virginia, US

2008-08 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Per Gustavsson

George Mason University: Fairfax, VA, US

2007-06-01 to present | Affiliate Research Faculty (C4i & Cyber Center)
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Per Gustavsson

Association for Computing Machinery: New York, NY, US

1997-03 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Per Gustavsson