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With a degree in computer sciences and a specialization in bioinformatics, I developed during a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology several databases and tools for the storage and manipulation of Molecular Interaction (MI) data (MINT, Domino, HomoMINT, etc.). This has been possible through an active participation in International consortium like the Protein Standard Initative (PSI-MI) and the International Molecular Exchange consortium (imex).
In the Structural Bioinformatics and Network Biology group (, I used this experience in the field of network biology, for instance to identify novel drug targets in Gram-negative bacteria. At the Italian Institute of Technology, I focused on the development of tools and servers for the analyses of genomic data.
I'm now working as an ICT specialist at the European Institute of Oncology, dedicated to the research area: (i) Management the bioinformatics platform (HPC and cloud), interfacing with more than 30 bioinformaticians, (ii) Coordination of the Bioinformatics Unit of the Department of Experimental Oncology. This unit develops and maintains web based applications for the management of biological data and pipelines. (iii) Development of the bioinformatics platform for Alleanza Contro il Cancro, the largest Italian organization for cancer research.