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Works (7)

Immobilization of transgenic plant cells towards bioprinting for production of a recombinant biodefense agent

Biotechnology Journal
2021-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Anika Varma; Hawi B. Gemeda; Matthew J. McNulty; Karen A. McDonald; Somen Nandi; Jennifer M. Knipe
Source: check_circle

Three-Dimensional Printable Sodium Carbonate Composite Sorbents for Efficient Biogas Upgrading

Environmental Science & Technology
2020-06-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Maxwell Murialdo; Hannah M. Goldstein; Joshuah K. Stolaroff; Du T. Nguyen; Sean T. McCoy; William L. Bourcier; Maira R. CerĂ³n; Jennifer M. Knipe; Matthew A. Worthington; Megan M. Smith et al.
Source: check_circle

3D Printed Polymer Composites for CO2 Capture

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
2019-12-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Du Nguyen; Maxwell Murialdo; Katherine Hornbostel; Simon Pang; Congwang Ye; William Smith; Sarah Baker; William Bourcier; Jennifer Knipe; Roger Aines et al.
Source: check_circle

In Situ Curing Kinetics of Moisture-Reactive Acetoxysiloxane Sealants

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
2019-09-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Jennifer M. Knipe; Justin Sirrine; April M. Sawvel; Harris E. Mason; James P. Lewicki; Yunwei Sun; Elizabeth A. Glascoe; Hom N. Sharma
Source: check_circle

Direct Writing of Tunable Living Inks for Bioprocess Intensification

Nano Letters
2019-09-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Fang Qian; Cheng Zhu; Jennifer M. Knipe; Samantha Ruelas; Joshuah K. Stolaroff; Joshua R. DeOtte; Eric B. Duoss; Christopher M. Spadaccini; Calvin A. Henard; Michael T. Guarnieri et al.
Source: check_circle

Evaluating the Performance of Micro-Encapsulated CO2 Sorbents during CO2 Absorption and Regeneration Cycling

Environmental Science & Technology
2019-03-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Jennifer M. Knipe; Kathya P. Chavez; Katherine M. Hornbostel; Matthew A. Worthington; Du T. Nguyen; Congwang Ye; William L. Bourcier; Sarah E. Baker; Joan F. Brennecke; Joshuah K. Stolaroff
Source: check_circle

Packed and fluidized bed absorber modeling for carbon capture with micro-encapsulated sodium carbonate solution

Applied Energy
2019-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0306-2619
Contributors: K. Hornbostel; D. Nguyen; W. Bourcier; J. Knipe; M. Worthington; S. McCoy; J. Stolaroff
Source: Self-asserted source
Jennifer Knipe