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Pharmacognosy Phytochemistry


Koshovyi Oleh M. - doctor of science in pharmacy, professor.
Department of Pharmacognosy. The National University of Pharmacy
Address: 61168, Kharkiv, Valentinivska st., 4.
Tel / Fax +380 (050) 9642706

Koshovyi Oleh was born in September 19, 1981 in Kharkiv. He graduated Kharkiv Economic High School # 161 with a silver medal in 1998; the National University of Pharmacy (2003) with honors and scientific masters level at the National University of Pharmacy (2004) and got the degree Master of Pharmacy. In 2006 he graduated the Kharkov National University of Economics in specialty "Business Economics". In 2007 he defended the thesis "Creating a new drug based on complex processing of eucalyptus leaves" for the degree of Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, specialty 15.00.02 "Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy". In 2013 he defended the thesis "Current approaches to the development of new remedies on the basis of the plants from Eucalyptus and Salvia genera" for the degree of the doctor ofciences in Pharmacy , specialty 15.00.02 "Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy". Since 2003 he has been working at the National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov, Ukraine), first as a senior laboratory assistant, graduate student, assistant, assosiated professor of the Chemistry of natural compounds department, the head of the Pharmacognosy department and the professor since September 1, 2021. In the period from 2008 to 2013 he has been vice-dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Main Research Areas
The main directions of scientific activity of Koshovyi O. M. are:
- development of new herbal drugs by complex processing of raw material;
- development of new herbal drugs by modifying herbal medicines from raw material;
- the creation of water-soluble forms of nanosomalic lipophilic extracts of herbal drugs;
- the creation of import-substituting herbal medicines from Ukraine flora plants;
- a study of fenetic (chemo-morphological)-ecological and taxonomic characteristics of species and genera of plants perspective for medicine;
- standardization of herbal drugs according to the modern requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine and the European Pharmacopoeia;
- identifing and research of prospective plants of Ukraine for useing in the pharmaceutical and medical practice.

Koshovyi Oleh M. is an author and co-author of more than 200 articles in professional journals, 51 patents, more than 200 abstracts at conferences of various levels and 20 guides.


Employment (3)

University of Tartu: Tartu, EE

2023-05-01 to present | Visiting professor (Institute of Pharmacy)
Source: Self-asserted source
Oleh Koshovyi

National University of Pharmacy: Kharkiv, UA

2021-09-01 to present | Professor (Pharmacognosy Department)
Source: Self-asserted source
Oleh Koshovyi

National University of Pharmacy: Kharkiv, UA

2013-10-01 to 2021-08-31 | Head of Pharmacognosy Department (Pharmacognosy Department)
Source: Self-asserted source
Oleh Koshovyi

Education and qualifications (4)

National University of Pharmacy : Kharkiv, UA

2008-01-10 to 2013-03-20 | the doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, specialty 15.00.02 "Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy" (Chemistry of natural compounds department)
Source: Self-asserted source
Oleh Koshovyi

National University of Pharmacy: Kharkiv, UA

2003-11-01 to 2007-12-21 | PhD, specialty 15.00.02 "Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy". (Chemistry of natural compounds department)
Source: Self-asserted source
Oleh Koshovyi

Kharkov National University of Economics: Kharkiv, UA

2005-06-01 to 2006-02-20
Source: Self-asserted source
Oleh Koshovyi

National University of Pharmacy: Kharkiv, UA

1998-09-01 to 2003-06-18
Source: Self-asserted source
Oleh Koshovyi

Funding (3)

Design and development of 3D-printed medicines for bioactive materials of Ukrainian and Estonian medicinal plants origin

2023-04 to present | Grant
MSCA4Ukraine (Berlin, DE)


Source: Self-asserted source
Oleh Koshovyi

Multifunctional Composites of Nanofiber-Based 3D Bioprinted Constructs for Bone Tissue Engineering

2023-01 to present | Grant
Estonian Research Council (Tartu, EE)


Source: Self-asserted source
Oleh Koshovyi

Modern approaches to the creation of new medicines for a correction of metabolic syndrome

2020-01 to 2022-12 | Grant
Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Kiiv, UA)


Source: Self-asserted source
Oleh Koshovyi

Works (50 of 86)

Items per page:
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<i>Solidago canadensis</i> L. Herb Extract, Its Amino Acids Preparations and 3D-Printed Dosage Forms: Phytochemical, Technological, Molecular Docking and Pharmacological Research

2025-03 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Oleh Koshovyi; Yurii Hrytsyk; Lina Perekhoda; Marharyta Suleiman; Valdas Jakštas; Vaidotas Žvikas; Lyubov Grytsyk; Oksana Yurchyshyn; Jyrki Heinämäki; Ain Raal
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Alkaloid Extraction from <i>Coptis chinensis</i> Franch. Using Ultrasound-Assisted Aqueous Solutions of Surfactants, Organic Acids, Deep Eutectic Solvents, and Supramolecular Deep Eutectic Solvents

2025-03 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Khan Viet Nguyen; Nhan Trong Le; Vy Thao Thi Dang; Oleh Koshovyi; Ain Raal; Hoai Thi Nguyen
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Research in component composition of the volatile fractions from the genus Anemone plants

ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science
2025-02-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Лілія Михайлівна Тузін; Андрій Романович Грицик; Thanh Tung Nguyen; Ain Raal; Олег Миколайович Кошовий
Source: check_circle

The Essential Oil Composition of <i>Verbena officinalis</i> L. Herb from Different Origins

2025-02-19 | Preprint
Contributors: Ain Raal; Getter Dolgošev; Tetiana Ilina; Alla Kovalyova; Martin Lepiku; Andriy Grytsyk; Oleh Koshovyi
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The Composition of Essential Oils from Different Parts of Gilia capitata Sims

2025-02-05 | Preprint
Contributors: Ain Raal; Jaan Liira; Martin Lepiku; Tetiana Ilina; Alla Kovalyova; Pavel Strukov; Oleh Koshovyi
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<i>Ajuga reptans</i> L. Herb Extracts: Phytochemical Composition and Pharmacological Activity Screening

2025-01 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Світлана Малюванчук; Andriy Grytsyk; Oksana Popadynets; Taras Kotyk; Ain Raal; Oleh Koshovyi
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Phytochemical Research and Screening of Pharmacological Activity in <i>Eryngium planum</i> L. Herb Extracts

Applied Sciences
2025-01 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Ksenia Matiusha; Andriy Grytsyk; Roman Hrytsyk; Ain Raal; Oleh Koshovyi
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Plant‐Origin Compounds and Materials for Advancing Bone Tissue Engineering and 3D Bioprinting: Traditional Medicine Aspects and Current Perspectives

Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
2025-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Jyrki Heinämäki; Oleh Koshovyi; Iryna Botsula; Alina Shpychak; Hung Quoc Vo; Hoai Thi Nguyen; Ain Raal; Chelsea Shields Bahney
Source: check_circle

Development of Aqueous Polyethylene Oxide Gel Inks for the Pharmaceutical Semisolid-Extrusion 3D Printing of Plant-Origin Flavonoids

2025-01-23 | Preprint
Contributors: Oleh Koshovyi; Jyrki Heinämäki; Alina Shpychak; Andres Meos; Niklas Sandler Topelius; Ain Raal
Source: check_circle
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Semi-solid extrusion 3D printing of plant-origin rosmarinic acid loaded in aqueous polyethylene oxide gels

Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research
2025-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Oleh Koshovyi; Jyrki Heinämäki; Darya Kurtina; Andres Meos; Oleksander Stremoukhov; Niklas Sandler Topelius; Ain Raal
Source: check_circle

Volatile compounds in distillates and hexane extracts from the flowers of Philadelphus coronarius and Jasminum officinale

ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science
2024-12-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Ain Raal; Тетяна Василівна Ільїна; Алла Михайлівна Ковальова; Олег Миколайович Кошовий
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The History and Development of Modern Pharmacognosy in Ukraine: The National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv

Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum
2024-12-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Alla Kovalyova; Tetiana Ilina; Olga Goryacha; Andriy Grytsyk; Ain Raal; Oleh Oleh Koshovyi
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Yield, Composition, and Chemotypes of Essential Oils from Origanum vulgare L. Aerial Parts Cultivated in Different European Countries

2024-12-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Ain Raal; Tetiana Gontova; Anu Ivask; Anne Orav; Oleh Koshovyi
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Yield, Composition and Chemotypes of Essential Oils from Origanum vulgare L. Aerial Parts Cultivated in Different Euro-Pean Countries

2024-12-02 | Preprint
Contributors: Ain Raal; Tetiana Gontova; Anu Ivask; Anne Orav; Oleh Koshovyi
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Phytochemical and Pharmacological Research of <em>Ajuga reptans</em> L. Herb Extracts

2024-11-25 | Preprint
Contributors: Svitlana Maliuvanchuk; Andriy Grytsyk; Oksana Popadynets; Taras Kotyk; Ain Raal; Oleh Koshovyi
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The content and stability of ascorbic acid in commercial food supplements

ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science
2024-10-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Raal Ain; Andres Meos; Agne Vutt; Herman Kirsimäe; Тетяна Василівна Ільїна; Алла Михайлівна Ковальова; Олег Миколайович Кошовий
Source: check_circle

Polyphenolic Compounds in the Stems of Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) Growing Wild and Cultivated

2024-10-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Ain Raal; Anni Vahtra; Oleh Koshovyi; Tetiana Ilina; Alla Kovalyova; Tõnu Püssa
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The application of arbutin in elimination resistance gramm-negative multidrug resistance bacteria of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacter cloacea

ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science
2024-10-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Олександр Юрійович Маслов; Микола Андрійович Комісаренко; Світлана Володиміровна Пономаренко; Тетяна Павлівна Осолодченко; Сергій Вікторович Колісник; Oleh Koshovyi; Андрій Миколайович Комісаренко
Source: check_circle

Phytochemical and Pharmacological Research in <em>Ajuga reptans</em> L. Herb Extracts

2024-10-11 | Preprint
Contributors: Svitlana Maliuvanchuk; Andriy Grytsyk; Oksana Popadynets; Taras Kotyk; Ain Raal; Oleh Koshovyi
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Chemical Content and Cytotoxic Activity on Various Cancer Cell Lines of Chaga (<i>Inonotus obliquus</i>) Growing on <i>Betula pendula</i> and <i>Betula pubescens</i>

2024-08 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Ain Raal; Hedi Kaldmäe; Karin Kütt; Katrin Jürimaa; Maidu Silm; Uko Bleive; Alar Aluvee; Kalev Adamson; Marili Vester; Mart Erik et al.
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Extracts of the Canadian goldenrod (Solidago Canadensis L.) – promising agents with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective activity

ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science
2024-08-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Юрій Андрійович Грицик; Олег Миколайович Кошовий; Роман Андрійович Грицик; Ain Raal
Source: check_circle

German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) Flower Extract, Its Amino Acid Preparations and 3D-Printed Dosage Forms: Phytochemical, Pharmacological, Technological, and Molecular Docking Study

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2024-07-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Oleh Koshovyi; Janne Sepp; Valdas Jakštas; Vaidotas Žvikas; Igor Kireyev; Yevhen Karpun; Vira Odyntsova; Jyrki Heinämäki; Ain Raal
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A qualitative and quantitative analysis of polyphenolic compounds in five Epilobium spp. with a possible potential to alleviate benign prostatic hyperplasia

ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science
2024-06-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Raal Ain; Kristiina Kuiv; Тетяна Василівна Ільїна; Алла Михайлівна Ковальова; Юлія Наліковна Авідзба; Олег Миколайович Кошовий; Püssa Tõnu
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Variation in the composition of the essential oil of commercial Artemisia absinthium L. herb samples from different countries

ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science
2024-04-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Raal Ain; Тетяна Василівна Ільїна; Алла Михайлівна Ковальова; Anne Orav; Margit Karileet; Mariana Džaniašvili; Тарас Коляджин; Андрій Романович Грицик; Олег Миколайович Кошовий
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Phytochemical, Pharmacological, and Molecular Docking Study of Dry Extracts of Matricaria discoidea DC. with Analgesic and Soporific Activities

2024-03-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Janne Sepp; Oleh Koshovyi; Valdas Jakštas; Vaidotas Žvikas; Iryna Botsula; Igor Kireyev; Hanna Severina; Oleksandr Kukhtenko; Kaisa Põhako-Palu; Karin Kogermann et al.
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Eucalypt Extracts Prepared by a No-Waste Method and Their 3D-Printed Dosage Forms Show Antimicrobial and Anti-Inflammatory Activity

2024-03-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Oleh Koshovyi; Mykola Komisarenko; Tatyana Osolodchenko; Andrey Komissarenko; Reet Mändar; Siiri Kõljalg; Jyrki Heinämäki; Ain Raal
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Semi-solid extrusion 3D printing of functionalized polyethylene oxide gels loaded with 1,2,3-triazolo-1,4-benzodiazepine nanofibers and valine-modified motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca L.) dry extract

ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science
2024-02-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Ірина Валеріївна Боцула; Ігор Володимирович Кіреєв; Олег Миколайович Кошовий; Jyrki Heinämäki; Raal Ain; Марина Олександрівна Мазур; Валентин Анатолійович Чебанов
Source: check_circle

Phytochemical, Technological, and Pharmacological Study on the Galenic Dry Extracts Prepared from German Chamomile (<i>Matricaria chamomilla</i> L.) Flowers

2024-01 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Janne Sepp; Oleh Koshovyi; Valdas Jakstas; Vaidotas Žvikas; Iryna Botsula; Igor Kireyev; Karina Tsemenko; Oleksandr Kukhtenko; Karin Kogermann; Jyrki Heinämäki et al.
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Pharmaceutical 3D-printing of nanoemulsified eucalypt extracts and their antimicrobial activity

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
2023 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 18790720 09280987
Contributors: Koshovyi, O.; Heinämäki, J.; Raal, A.; Laidmäe, I.; Topelius, N.S.; Komisarenko, M.; Komissarenko, A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Oleh Koshovyi via Scopus - Elsevier

Semi-solid extrusion 3D-printing of eucalypt extract-loaded polyethylene oxide gels intended for pharmaceutical applications

Annals of 3D Printed Medicine
2023-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Oleh Koshovyi; Jyrki Heinämäki; Ivo Laidmäe; Niklas Sandler Topelius; Andriy Grytsyk; Ain Raal
Source: check_circle

The influence of new 1,2,3-triazolo-1,4-benzodiazepine derivatives on the muscle tone of rodents

Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice
2023-11-03 | Journal article
Contributors: І. В. Боцула; І. В. Кіреєв; О. М. Кошовий; В. А. Чебанов
Source: check_circle

Chemical Composition and Insulin-Resistance Activity of Arginine-Loaded American Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton, Ericaceae) Leaf Extracts

2023-10-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Oleh Koshovyi; Inna Vlasova; Heleriin Laur; Ganna Kravchenko; Oksana Krasilnikova; Sebastian Granica; Jakub P. Piwowarski; Jyrki Heinämäki; Ain Raal
Source: check_circle
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Chemical Composition and Insulin-Resistance Activity of Arginine-Loaded American Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton) Leaves Extracts

2023-10-03 | Preprint
Contributors: Oleh Koshovyi; Inna Vlasova; Heleriin Laur; Ganna Kravchenko; Oksana Krasilnikova; Sebastian Granica; Jakub P. Piwowarski; Jyrki Heinämäki; Ain Raal
Source: check_circle
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Standardization Parameters of Alfredia nivea KAR.&KIR Herb

Journal of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
2023-06-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Алмат Рустемкулов; Тетяна Миколаївна Гонтова; Балжан Махатова; Айзана Рустемкулова; Убайділла Датхаєв; Олег Миколайович Кошовий
Source: check_circle

American Cranberry (Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Ait.) Pursh) Leaves Extract and Its Amino-Acids Preparation: The Phytochemical and Pharmacological Study

2023-05-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Oleh Koshovyi; Inna Vlasova; Valdas Jakštas; Gabrielė Vilkickytė; Vaidotas Žvikas; Roman Hrytsyk; Lyubov Grytsyk; Ain Raal
Source: check_circle
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Macro and microscopic analysis of Alfredia nivea KAR. & KIR herb

ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science
2023-02-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Almat Rustemkulov; Тетяна Миколаївна Гонтова; Balzhan Makhatova; Aisana Rustemkulova; Nadezhda Gemedzhieva; Aizhamal Shormanova; Галина Юріївна Старченко; Ain Raal; Ubaidilla Datkhaev; Олег Миколайович Кошовий
Source: check_circle
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The study of the chemical composition and the anti-inflammatory activity of dry extracts from large cranberry leaves

News of Pharmacy
2023-02-17 | Journal article
Contributors: І. К. Власова; І. В. Боцула; І. В. Кіреєв; О. М. Кошовий
Source: check_circle

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi L. leaves extract and its modified cysteine preparation for the management of insulin resistance: chemical analysis and bioactivity

Natural Products and Bioprospecting
2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 21922209 21922195
Contributors: Kravchenko, G.; Krasilnikova, O.; Raal, A.; Mazen, M.; Chaika, N.; Kireyev, I.; Grytsyk, A.; Koshovyi, O.
Source: Self-asserted source
Oleh Koshovyi via Scopus - Elsevier

Elemental Composition of Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Rybd. Varieties

Open Agriculture Journal
2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 18743315
Contributors: Goryacha, O.V.; Kovaleva, А.М.; Raal, A.; Ilina, Т.V.; Коshovyi, О.M.; Shovkova, Z.V.
Source: Self-asserted source
Oleh Koshovyi via Scopus - Elsevier

Quality by Design in optimizing the extraction of (poly)phenolic compounds from Vaccinium myrtillus berries

Journal of Chromatography A
2022 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 18733778 00219673
Contributors: Marzullo, L.; Ochkur, O.; Orlandini, S.; Renai, L.; Gotti, R.; Koshovyi, O.; Furlanetto, S.; Del Bubba, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Oleh Koshovyi via Scopus - Elsevier

Chemical composition of essential oil of common juniper (Juniperus communis L.) branches from Estonia

ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science
2022-12-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Ain Raal; Rostislav Komarov; Anne Orav; Karmen Kapp; Андрій Романович Грицик; Олег Миколайович Кошовий
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Standardization of dry extracts from large cranberry leaves

Journal of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
2022-11-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Інна Костянтинівна Власова; Олег Миколайович Кошовий
Source: check_circle

Phytochemical and Pharmacological Research in Agrimonia eupatoria L. Herb Extract with Anti-Inflammatory and Hepatoprotective Properties

2022-09-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Natalia Huzio; Andriy Grytsyk; Ain Raal; Lyubov Grytsyk; Oleh Koshovyi
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Chemical composition of essential oils from flowers of veronica Longifolia L., Veronica Incana L. and Veronica Spicata L.

ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science
2022-08-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Алла Михайлівна Ковальова; Аліна Петрівна Осьмачко; Тетяна Василівна Ільїна; Ольга Володимирівна Горяча; Людмила Олександрівна Омельянчик; Андрій Романович Грицик; Олег Миколайович Кошовий
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Determination of biologically active substances extraction parameters from cranberry leaves

Current issues in pharmacy and medicine: science and practice
2022-08-01 | Journal article
Contributors: І. К. Власова; О. М. Кошовий; О. С. Кухтенко; М. А. Комісаренко; Т. В. Ільїна; А. М. Ковальова
Source: check_circle

Determination of standardization parameters of Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Ait.) Pursh and Oxycoccus palustris Pers. Leaves

ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science
2022-06-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Інна Костянтинівна Власова; Тетяна Миколаївна Гонтова; Любов Миколаївна Грицик; Gulsim Zhumashova; Galiya Sayakova; Assyl Boshkayeva; Марія Іванівна Шанайда; Олег Миколайович Кошовий
Source: check_circle
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Research in components of essential oils from flowers and leaves of the genus Alchemilla L. species

ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science
2022-06-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Наталія Ігорівна Дубель; Андрій Романович Грицик; Любов Миколаївна Грицик; Олег Миколайович Кошовий; Алла Михайлівна Ковальова
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The Phytochemical Profile and Anticancer Activity of <i>Anthemis tinctoria</i> and <i>Angelica sylvestris</i> Used in Estonian Ethnomedicine

2022-04 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Ain Raal; Marel Jaama; Meeme Utt; Tõnu Püssa; Vaidotas Žvikas; Valdas Jakštas; Oleh Koshovyi; Khan Viet Nguyen; Hoai Thi Nguyen
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Carboxylic acids in the flowers of Veronica spicata L. and Veronica incana L.

ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science
2022-02-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Алла Михайлівна Ковальова; Raal Ain; Тетяна Василівна Ільїна; Аліна Петрівна Осьмачко; Ольга Володимирівна Горяча; Людмила Олександрівна Омельянчик; Олег Миколайович Кошовий
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Characterization of herbal teas containing lime flowers – Tiliae flos by HPTLC method with chemometric analysis

Food Chemistry
2021 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 18737072 03088146
Contributors: Melnyk, N.; Pawłowska, K.A.; Ziaja, M.; Wojnowski, W.; Koshovyi, O.; Granica, S.; Bazylko, A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Oleh Koshovyi via Scopus - Elsevier
Items per page:
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Peer review (32 reviews for 13 publications/grants)

Review activity for Annals of 3D printed medicine. (1)
Review activity for Antibiotics. (1)
Review activity for Applied sciences. (1)
Review activity for Biologics. (1)
Review activity for Biology. (1)
Review activity for Foods. (2)
Review activity for International journal of molecular sciences. (7)
Review activity for Life. (2)
Review activity for Molecules. (3)
Review activity for Nutrients. (1)
Review activity for Pharmaceuticals. (7)
Review activity for Pharmaceutics. (2)
Review activity for Plants. (3)