Personal information
Koshovyi Oleh M. - doctor of science in pharmacy, professor.
Department of Pharmacognosy. The National University of Pharmacy
Address: 61168, Kharkiv, Valentinivska st., 4.
Tel / Fax +380 (050) 9642706
Koshovyi Oleh was born in September 19, 1981 in Kharkiv. He graduated Kharkiv Economic High School # 161 with a silver medal in 1998; the National University of Pharmacy (2003) with honors and scientific masters level at the National University of Pharmacy (2004) and got the degree Master of Pharmacy. In 2006 he graduated the Kharkov National University of Economics in specialty "Business Economics". In 2007 he defended the thesis "Creating a new drug based on complex processing of eucalyptus leaves" for the degree of Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, specialty 15.00.02 "Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy". In 2013 he defended the thesis "Current approaches to the development of new remedies on the basis of the plants from Eucalyptus and Salvia genera" for the degree of the doctor ofciences in Pharmacy , specialty 15.00.02 "Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy". Since 2003 he has been working at the National University of Pharmacy (Kharkov, Ukraine), first as a senior laboratory assistant, graduate student, assistant, assosiated professor of the Chemistry of natural compounds department, the head of the Pharmacognosy department and the professor since September 1, 2021. In the period from 2008 to 2013 he has been vice-dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Main Research Areas
The main directions of scientific activity of Koshovyi O. M. are:
- development of new herbal drugs by complex processing of raw material;
- development of new herbal drugs by modifying herbal medicines from raw material;
- the creation of water-soluble forms of nanosomalic lipophilic extracts of herbal drugs;
- the creation of import-substituting herbal medicines from Ukraine flora plants;
- a study of fenetic (chemo-morphological)-ecological and taxonomic characteristics of species and genera of plants perspective for medicine;
- standardization of herbal drugs according to the modern requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine and the European Pharmacopoeia;
- identifing and research of prospective plants of Ukraine for useing in the pharmaceutical and medical practice.
Koshovyi Oleh M. is an author and co-author of more than 200 articles in professional journals, 51 patents, more than 200 abstracts at conferences of various levels and 20 guides.
Employment (3)
Education and qualifications (4)
Funding (3)
Works (50 of 86)