Personal information

Number theory , Riemann Hypothesis, Twin primes, Cryptography, Quantum Crypto, Computer Science, 5G/6G, Internet protocols


▪ Michel Riguidel is Professor Emeritus, previously Head of the Department of Computer Science and Networks, at Telecom ParisTech in Paris, where he is still lecturing in digital security and advanced networks. His research is oriented towards security of the Next Generation Internet, Blockchains, 5G/6G, SDN+NFV, trust, privacy and advanced networks.
▪ In European Projects, he was Key Researcher of Secoqc (Quantum Cryptography) and Beyond the Horizon and contributing to security for international cooperation (FP7 ThinkTrust, IncoTrust, BIC).
▪ He created in 2012 the joint Trust and Security Research Laboratory between Telecom ParisTech and JiaoTong Shanghai University.
▪ He has several patents : firewall, watermarking, protecting storage device, illicit content downloading, security of communications, data and identity, anonymization and traceability of pseudomized data flow.
▪ He was in 2010 in charge of the securization at the High Authority for Protection on Internet. He is expert for the European Commission.
▪ He has been publishing articles about the Riemann Hypothesis for the past years (2018-2021).
He is currently working on twin primes.


Employment (1)

TELECOM ParisTech: Paris, Île-de-France, FR

2001-04-01 to present | Head of Department (Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Michel Riguidel

Works (4)

An Analytical and Numerical Detour for the Riemann Hypothesis

2021-11-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Michel Riguidel
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The Two-Layer Hierarchical Distribution Model of Zeros of Riemann’s Zeta Function along the Critical Line

2021-01-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Michel Riguidel
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Numerical Calculations to Grasp a Mathematical Issue Such as the Riemann Hypothesis

2020-04 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Michel Riguidel
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Morphogenesis of the Zeta Function in the Critical Strip by Computational Approach

2018-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Michel Riguidel
Source: Self-asserted source
Michel Riguidel

Peer review (4 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Mathematics. (3)
Review activity for Sustainability. (1)