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AI ontology


Dr. Douglas Lenat. One of the pioneers of Artificial Intelligence, Dr. Lenat’s research while he was a Stanford professor ranged from natural language understanding to expert systems to machine learning. He came to Austin in 1984 to start a project called “Cyc”, to capture human common sense in a program, and he and his team have been working on that ever since (first at the research consortium MCC, and then at a spinoff company called Cycorp). He is a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence and of the AAAS, and the recipient of the bi-annual IJCAI Computers and Thought award. Dr. Lenat is an editor of the Journal of Applied Ontology, the Journal of the Learning Sciences, and the Machine Learning Journal. He was a founding member of both the Microsoft Scientific Advisory Board and the Apple Scientific Advisory Board, and is the only individual to have served on both.