Personal information

veterinary medicine, biochemistry


Doctor of biological sciences, Professor, Department of Clinical Diagnostics and Clinical Biochemistry


Employment (1)


Source: Self-asserted source
Olga Tіmoshenko

Works (9)

Diagnostic value of "cuticular index" measuring in dogs with liver and kidney pathology

Veterinary science, technologies of animal husbandry and nature management
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: O. P. Timoshenko; O. S. Snopenko; D. V. Kibkalo; M. I. Korenev; Yu. V. Maslak
Source: check_circle

Prevalence of rectal prolapse in piglets in the presence of mycotoxins in mash

Naukovij vìsnik veterinarnoï medicini
2021-12-09 | Journal article
Contributors: K. Boyko; D. Kibkalo; O. Tymoshenko; I. Furda
Source: check_circle

Informativity of lipid metabolism indicators for diagnostics and estimation of the effectiveness of treatment of dogs with pancreatitis

ScienceRise: Biological Science
2021-09-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Андрій Олександрович Землянський; Ольга Павлівна Тимошенко; Андрій Вікторович Захар'єв; Євгенія Володимирівна Ващик; Наталія Юріївна Селюкова; Роман Валерійович Доценко
Source: check_circle

Morphological characteristics of hair cuticle of clinically healthy domestic cats and dogs

Veterinary science, technologies of animal husbandry and nature management
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: O. P. Tymoshenko; O. S. Snopenko; G. A. Papeta; G. V. Vikulina; S. B. Borovkov; M. I. Korenev
Source: check_circle

Morphological characteristics of the skin and hair of clinically healthy dogs and cats

Veterinary science, technologies of animal husbandry and nature management
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: O. S. Snopenko; O. P. Timoshenko; A. Y. Ulyanitskaya; D. V. Kibkalo; N. O. Kravchenko; G. A. Papeta
Source: check_circle

Dynamics of some indexes of lipids metabolism between ewes of the east of Ukraine

Veterinary science, technologies of animal husbandry and nature management
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: P. V. Sharandak; O. P. Tymoshenko; G. V. Vikulina; D. V. Kibkalo; S. B. Borovkov
Source: check_circle

Morpho-biochemical characteristics of polimorbite pathology of liver and kidneys of domestic cats and dogs

Veterinary science, technologies of animal husbandry and nature management
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: O. P. Timoshenko; O. S. Snopenko; G. A. Papeta; M. I. Korenev; N. O. Kravchenko; Kh. A. Popova
Source: check_circle

Metabolic profile and content of the connective tissues’ biopolymers in the blood serum of service boars at the different regime of reproductive loading

Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology
2019-04-02 | Journal article
Contributors: O. P. Timoshenko; G. V. Vikulina; D. V. Kibkalo; I. G. Moraru
Source: check_circle

Indicators of proteine and lipid metabolisn in goats affected with osteodystrophy

Ukrainian Journal of Ecology
2018 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Olga Tіmoshenko