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He is a Retired Associate Professor of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC Senior) since September 2024. He was Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department (CS) of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech, (1996-2024). He was member of the Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Centre (IDEAI-UPC). He co-founded the spin-off company “Sanejament Intel·ligent S.L. (SISLtech)” [2003-2017] devoted to Advanced Control and Supervision of Environmental Systems. He is Fellow of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) since 2005. He was the Academic Coordinator of the PhD program of Artificial Intelligence UPC (February 2013-May 2016). He was the Academic Coordinator of the Interuniversitary (UPC-URV-UB) Master in Artificial Intelligence (December 2009-February 2010). He was the coordinator of the Spanish Network for the Advancement and Transfer of Applied Computational Intelligence (ÁTICA). He was Associated Editor of the journal Environmental Modelling and Software october 2004 - august 2024. He was Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Applied Intelligence october 2001 - august 2024. He was the Head of the Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning research group (KEMLG) of UPC (2006-2011). He is a founding member of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (ACIA). He is a founding member and has been board member of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). He co-organized the first Environment and Artificial Intelligence Workshop in Europe: Binding Environmental Sciences and Artificial Intelligence (BESAI 98) at ECAI conference in 1998. He is mentioned as one contributor to the “Timeline of Artificial Intelligence” in the Wikipedia, for his pioneering research efforts in Artificial Intelligence and Environmental Sciences ( He has organised some international events in the AI field related to Environment (BESAI-ECAI, AAAI, iEMSs). He has aurthored more than 250 peer-reviewed publications, and is author/editor of 10 books. His research interests are Case-Based Reasoning, Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Recommender Systems, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Knowledge Engineering, Integrated AI Architectures, Application of Artificial Intelligence techniques to the Environmental systems, to Medicine and Assistive technologies, and to Industrial Processes (Textile Industry, etc.).