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From the beginning of March 2023 Damyan Barantiev is appointed as Project Officer at EC JRC E.1 - ECML. In the end of 2018 Damyan Barantiev was appointed as a Chief Assistant Professor at the Climate, Atmosphere and Water Research Institute - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (CAWRI-BAS). His scientific and professional career is mainly built as an employee of the Bulgarian National Weather Service (NIMH - BAS) for more than a decade. He has worked at Hydro Meteorological Observatory – Burgas (HMO-Burgas) of the NIMH-BAS since the end of 2005. He started as physicist, then became Assistant Professor in 2008 and in 2016 he has finished his extramural PhD in scientific field: “Remote Sensing of Earth and Planets” under the supervision of Prof. Ekaterina Batchvarova. His dissertation work: "Characteristics of the coastal atmospheric boundary layer in Ahtopol estimated through sodar and model data.". He is interested in Remote sensing measurements and time-series analysis, Coastal Meteorology and Climatology, Boundary Layer Meteorology, Mathematics and Informatics, Statistics, Mesoscale Modelling.