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Steven Linfield was born in Bath, United Kingdom. He graduated from the University of Southampton (United Kingdom) in 2015 with an integrated Masters in Chemistry (MChem). Whilst studying, he participated in several research projects, with topics including: semiconductor electrodeposition; electrochemical desalination; and copper nanowire fabrication. After receiving his undergraduate degree, Steven stayed in Southampton to study for a PhD under the supervision of Dr. Guy Denuault. His PhD research was focussed on the detection of transient nanobubbles using a resistive pulse sensing method, and also involved the fabrication and characterisation of tungsten nanoelectrodes. During his PhD studies, Steven also taught one of the practical elements of the widely respected Southampton Electrochemistry Summer School for four consecutive years.
In August 2020, Steven joined the Nanoelectrochemistry group. His work focuses on the measurement of single entities (e.g. nanoparticles, enzymes, etc.) using electrochemistry. These measurements will be linked with fluorescence microscopy in order to overcome the contemporary detection limits of electrochemistry and approach single molecule detection.