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Works (2)

Large-scale synthesis and structural analysis of a synthetic glycopeptide dendrimer as an anti-cancer vaccine candidate

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Christelle Ganneau; Catherine Simenel; Emeline Emptas; Tiphanie Courtiol; Yves-Marie Coïc; Cécile Artaud; Edith Dériaud; Frédéric Bonhomme; Muriel Delepierre; Claude Leclerc et al.
Source: check_circle

From bulk to plasmonic nanoparticle surfaces: the behavior of two potent therapeutic peptides, octreotide and pasireotide

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Belén Hernández; Eduardo López-Tobar; Santiago Sanchez-Cortes; Yves-Marie Coïc; Bruno Baron; Alexandre Chenal; Sergei G. Kruglik; Fernando Pflüger; Régis Cohen; Mahmoud Ghomi
Source: check_circle