Personal information
Since 2008 Luigi Mandrich is researcher at Italian National Research Council (CNR), he graduated in Biological Sciences with distinction in 1997 at the University of Naples “Federico II”; dissertation: ”Antitumoral ribonucleases: mutants of the bovine seminal ribonuclease and onconase”.
he received the PhD title in Industrial Biotechnology in 2004 at the University of Naples “Federico II”; Dissertation: ”Mutants of the esterase EST2, involving in substrate specificity and thermostability: their possible biotechnological applications”.
During these periods has carried out research in the field of biochemistry, acquiring advanced skills in enzymology, molecular biology, biotechnological applications, he is the author of more than 50 papers on international journals and co-owner of thre Italian patents, he has been nominated several times as reviewer for international journals.
He is Editorial Board member for the journals “Frontiers in Marine Science”, “Cloning and Transgenesis” and “Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry”.
Actually, he is head of "Protein engineering lab" at Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystem (IRET).
During his training at the Institute of Protein Biochemistry has received a Fellowship of Italian federation of industrial chemistry “Federchimica” in collaboration with “Società Recordati Spa”, at the Instiute of Protein Biochemistry. Principal topic “Optimization of enzymatic activity of new esterases and their develoment”, and two Post Doctoral fellowships at the Institute of Protein Biochemistry (IBP), having as main target “Isolation, structural and functional characterization of thermostable paraoxonases” and“Role of thermophilic esterase on cheese manifacturing and ripening”.
In 2014 he worked as visiting scientist at Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot, Israel), on the project “Over-expression of recombinant human paraoxonase-2 PON2 in Baculovirus expression system and determination of its crystal structure” selected to be granted by the European platform “Instruct Integrating Biology”. In collaboration with Prof. Joel Sussman and Tamar Unger.
He worked as a visiting scientist related to the PhD project at the "Department of Flavour, Nutrition and Ingredients" of NIZO food research, PO Box 20, 6710 BA, Ede, the Netherlands, and he did a stage at the Instituto de Lactologia Indistrial (INLAIN), Universidad Nacional del Litoral CONICET (Santa Fe, Argentina), regarding international collaboration between CNR (Italy) and CONICET (Argentina), based on topic “Incidence of a thermophilic esterase on rennet coagulation and cheese ripening of hard and semi-hard paste”.
The main research activities are focused on biochemistry, enzymology, molecular biology, proteomic and biotechnological application of enzymes, consulting and analysis of database. Identification of new molecules from vegetables showing biological acticities. Biotechnological applications of enzymes from extremophilic sources.