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Satishwar Kedas is a Researcher at the Alentejo Science and Technology Park, Portugal and has previously been a Research Associate at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA), where he also received his Post Graduate Diploma in Management in 2017. His research interests are in the use of quantitative methodologies, specifically machine learning techniques, in management to derive novel theory.
His current research spans crowdfunding, innovation tournaments, inclusive innovation, distributed talent, and NFTs. He has experience in statistical data analysis, topic models, and natural language processing. He previously worked in financial sentiment analysis, co-authored a business case study, and supported a leading legal think tank across multiple projects.
Prior to research, Satishwar was a management consultant in the Indian healthcare delivery sector. He has also won various national-level business competitions and has cleared the CFA level II. He holds a graduate degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.