Personal information


Mirosław Sadowski, born on the 28th of January 1964 in Oborniki Śląskie, full professor of law, since October 2018 Supreme Court Justice in the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs, Head of the Centre of Oriental Law Research in the Chair of Political and Legal Doctrines at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics, University of Wrocław, solicitor in the years 1995-2018. In his research he focuses on the questions of Islamic family and civil law, human rights law, history of economics, Catholic social teaching and political and legal doctrines.
He finished his Master of Laws programme at the University of Wrocław, where he also completed his PhD in Law in 2000 and his habilitation in law in 2011. In the years 2000-2013 he worked as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics, University of Wrocław. Since 2013 he is a professor at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics, University of Wrocław, and since May 2020 he is a full professor. He was a holder of the following scholarships: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (1991), Fridrich Ebert Stiftung (1993) and Foundation for Polish Research (1994). He underwent research residency at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow and at the Taras Shevchenko University in Kyiv.
In the years 1992-1995 he underwent the solicitors’ bar training and then worked as a solicitor in Wrocław (until 2018). He was a member of the Council of the Regional Chamber of the Solicitors (OIRP) in Wrocław (2001-2018), its Deputy Head (2013-2018) and an expert of the Centre for Research Studies and Legislation at the National Council of Solicitors. He was also an expert of the Committee to prevent the crimes based on religious and racial hate convened by the Minister of Justice (2017-2018).
He published four monographs:
State in the doctrine of Pope Leo XIII (2002) [Państwo w doktrynie papieża Leona XIII]
Human dignity and common good in the catholic social teaching (1878-2005) (2010) [Godność człowieka i dobro wspólne w papieskim nauczaniu społecznym (1878-2005)]
Marriage in the Islamic law. An introduction (2015) [Małżeństwo w prawie islamu. Wprowadzenie]
Islam. Religion and law (2017) [Islam. Religia i prawo].
Co-author of five books. An author of about two hundred articles and research papers. An active participant (with a paper) in a large number of conferences. A reviewer of three habilitation thesis and twelve PhD theses. He is the editor-in-chief of the journals Studia Erasmiana Wratislaviensia and Acta Erasmiana. He was the editor-in-chief of the journal The Solicitor. Research Journal (2014-2018). An author of many analyses, evaluations and studies for the Polish civil service.
Research patron of two Student Research Organisations (SROs): Political and Legal Doctrines SRO and Interfaculty SRO of Near and Far East.


Employment (1)

Uniwersytet Wroclawski: Wroclaw, Dolnośląskie, PL

1989-12-01 to present | profesor Uniwersytetu (Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii)
Source: Self-asserted source
Mirosław Sadowski