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Nanoparticles, Chemistry, Bioapplications, Nanovectors, SPIONs, Titanate nanotubes


In my laboratory, I have initiated and I am responsible for the topic "Biomedical applications of nanoparticles." The key nanomaterials studied are:
- SPIONs (SuperParamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles) for multimodal imaging (MRI/PET and MRI/optical imaging). Two strengths are put to use (i) the originality of their simultaneous synthesis and colloidal stabilization in one step through a hydrothermal synthesis device working continuously (synthesis time <10 s, conditions T, P up to the supercritical water field) and (ii) the association of these nanoparticles with innovative chelating agents (NODAGA, MANOTA etc.) or innovative fluorophores (phtalocyanine in particular).
- Titanate nanotubes (TiONts) that few teams in the world are able to synthesize. For the first time, these nanoparticles are developed for applications related to their ability to be internalized in various cell types. They have proven themselves for DNA transfection and radiosensitizing of tumors.


Employment (1)

Université de Bourgogne: Dijon, Bourgogne, FR

2009-09-01 to present | Professor (Nanosciences Department)
Source: Self-asserted source
Nadine Millot

Education and qualifications (1)

Université de Bourgogne: Dijon, Bourgogne, FR

1995-11-01 to 1998-08-31 | Doctorat
Source: Self-asserted source
Nadine Millot

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for ACS omega. (1)