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Works (5)

Multi-objective optimization of cable-road layouts in smart forestry

International Journal of Forest Engineering
2024-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Carl O. Retzlaff; Christoph Gollob; Arne Nothdurft; Karl Stampfer; Andreas Holzinger
Source: check_circle

Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction to Support Work Safety for Smart Forest Operations

2022 | Book chapter
Contributors: Ferdinand Hoenigsberger; Anna Saranti; Alessa Angerschmid; Carl Orge Retzlaff; Christoph Gollob; Sarah Witzmann; Arne Nothdurft; Peter Kieseberg; Andreas Holzinger; Karl Stampfer
Source: check_circle

The explainability paradox: Challenges for xAI in digital pathology

Future Generation Computer Systems
2022-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Theodore Evans; Carl Orge Retzlaff; Christian Geißler; Michaela Kargl; Markus Plass; Heimo Müller; Tim-Rasmus Kiehl; Norman Zerbe; Andreas Holzinger
Source: check_circle

Digital Transformation in Smart Farm and Forest Operations Needs Human-Centered AI: Challenges and Future Directions

2022-04 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Andreas HOLZINGER; Anna Saranti; Alessa Angerschmid; Carl Orge Retzlaff; Andreas Gronauer; Vladimir Pejakovic; Francisco Medel-Jiménez; Theresa Krexner; Christoph Gollob; Karl Stampfer
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The History of Agent-Based Modeling in the Social Sciences

2021 | Book chapter
Contributors: Carl Orge Retzlaff; Martina Ziefle; André Calero Valdez
Source: check_circle