Personal information



Employment (1)

Institute of History of Ukraine: Kyiv, UA

2002-04-08 to present (Історія України ХІХ-початку ХХ ст.)
Source: Self-asserted source
Valentyna Shandra

Education and qualifications (1)

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv: Kyiv, UA

1969 to 1974 | profesor
Source: Self-asserted source
Valentyna Shandra

Works (7)

Draft Evasion in the Russian Army during the World War I as an Anti-War Social Protest

Ukraïnsʹkij ìstoričnij žurnal
2024-12-20 | Journal article
Contributors: V. Shandra
Source: check_circle

О загадочной корпоративной институции (украинские губернии Российской империи)

Textus et Studia
2024-12-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Walentyna Shandra
Source: check_circle

Vasiliauskiene, Aldona. Lytva–Ukraina: relihiia, nauka, kultura v diialnosti vilniuskykh chentsiv-vasyliian / Vasiliauskiene, Aldona. Lietuva–Ukraina: religija, mokslas, kultūra vilniaus vienuolių bazilijonų veikloje (Lviv: Misioner, 2021), 1112 s.

Kyivan Academy
2023-12-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Валентина Шандра
Source: check_circle

Polish Demonstrations in Right-Bank Ukraine on the Eve of the January Uprising of 1863: Participants, Demands, Consequences

Ukraïnsʹkij ìstoričnij žurnal
2023-06-23 | Journal article
Contributors: V. Shandra; O. Karlina
Source: check_circle

The Environment of Creators and Consumers of Economic Knowledge of the Free Economic Society in the Ukrainian Historical Lands (the Last Third of the 19th — the Beginning of the 20th Centuries).

Kyivan Academy
2021-03-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Valentyna Shandra
Source: check_circle

Epidemics and the Fight Against Them in Ukraine (End of the Eighteenth - Early Twentieth Century)

Ukraïnsʹkij ìstoričnij žurnal
2020-12-12 | Journal article
Contributors: V. Shandra; O. Karlina
Source: check_circle

The Nobility of "Ukrainian Provinces" of Russian Empire in Zemstvo Self-Government (1860s - Beginning of the Twentieth Century)

Ukraïnsʹkij ìstoričnij žurnal
2020-10-19 | Journal article
Contributors: V. Shandra
Source: check_circle