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Works (3)

A pragmatic attitude: The right to silence in the Netherlands

New Journal of European Criminal Law
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Peggy ter Vrugt
Source: check_circle

Opening Pandora’s box: The right to silence in police interrogations and the Directive 2016/343/EU

New Journal of European Criminal Law
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Anna Pivaty; Ashlee Beazley; Yvonne M Daly; Laura Beckers; Dorris de Vocht; Peggy ter Vrugt
Source: check_circle

Strengthening the protection of the right to remain silent at the investigative stage: What role for the EU legislator?

New Journal of European Criminal Law
2021-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Anna Pivaty; Ashlee Beazley; Yvonne M Daly; Dorris de Vocht; Peggy ter Vrugt
Source: check_circle