Personal information
Prof. Dr. Abdelaziz M. Hussein is the head of department of Medical Physiology, Mansoura Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura, Egypt. He was graduated from Mansoura College of Medicine at Nov 1997 with Very Good with Honor. He was employed as demonstrator and assistant lecturer of medical physiology, department of medical Physiology, Mansoura College of Medicine from 1999 to 2008. He completed his PhD degree in Renal Physiology at 2008 from Urology and Nephrology Center (UNC) (WHO collaborated center), Mansoura University, Egypt. Such work placement had facilitated him with exceptional communication skills, both professionally and personally, as well as practical skills. His primary research goals are directed toward understanding the mechanisms of renal ischemia/reperfusion injury. He has a lot of publications in this field. He shifted his research interest to the field of neuroscience with special focus on the neurodegenerative disorders such as epilepsy, Parkinsonism and cerebral hypoperfusions trying to understand their underlying pathophysiological mechanisms and to develop new lines for management of these medical problems. He has more than 50 research articles published in international peer-reviewed journals such as BJU-international, Acta Physiologica and Can. J Physiol. Pharmacol., neurochemical research, Brain sciences Also, he received many prizes such as best PhD thesis in Mansoura University, 2009, incentive University Award, 2011 and State Award in Medical Physiology, 2015, State Encouragement Prize, 2016. He worked as visiting scientist at department of physiology and biomedical engineering, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Mn, USA in 2014. Also, he received a lot of training courses in Faculty Development from Toronto University, Canada, 2019 and TOT from NAQAAE, 2021, Egypt