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Works (5)

Live cell CRISPR-imaging in plants reveals dynamic telomere movements

The Plant Journal
2017-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Steven Dreissig; Simon Schiml; Patrick Schindele; Oda Weiss; Twan Rutten; Veit Schubert; Evgeny Gladilin; Michael Florian Mette; Holger Puchta; Andreas Houben
Source: Self-asserted source
Oda Weiss via Crossref Metadata Search

Point mutation impairs centromeric CENH3 loading and induces haploid plants.

2015-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Karimi-Ashtiyani R; Ishii T; Niessen M; Stein N; Heckmann S; Gurushidze M; Banaei-Moghaddam AM; Fuchs J; Schubert V; Koch K et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Oda Weiss via Europe PubMed Central

Anti-phosphorylated histone H2AThr120: a universal microscopic marker for centromeric chromatin of mono- and holocentric plant species.

2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Demidov D; Schubert V; Kumke K; Weiss O; Karimi-Ashtiyani R; Buttlar J; Heckmann S; Wanner G; Dong Q; Han F et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Oda Weiss via Europe PubMed Central

Altered expression of Aurora kinases in Arabidopsis results in aneu- and polyploidization.

2014-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Demidov D; Lermontova I; Weiss O; Fuchs J; Rutten T; Kumke K; Sharbel TF; Van Damme D; De Storme N; Geelen D et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Oda Weiss via Europe PubMed Central

The evolution of the hexaploid grass Zingeriakochii (Mez) Tzvel. (2n=12) was accompanied by complex hybridization and uniparental loss of ribosomal DNA.

2010-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Kotseruba V; Pistrick K; Blattner FR; Kumke K; Weiss O; Rutten T; Fuchs J; Endo T; Nasuda S; Ghukasyan A et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Oda Weiss via Europe PubMed Central