Personal information
Claudio Paoloni is Cockcroft Chair and Professor of Electronics. He was the Head of the School of Engineering Department in the period 2015 - 2022 .
He is Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
He is author of more than 260 articles in international journals and conference proceedings in the field of high frequency electronics. He holds three patents.
He is Associated Editor if IEEE Transaction of Microwave Theory and Techniques.
He was Chair of the IEEE Electron Devices Society Vacuum Electronicss Technical Committee.
He was member of the Board of Governor of the IEEE Electron Device Society.
He establised the TWT Fab, unique distrubted laboratory in Europe for fabrication of sub-THz Traveling Wave Tubes.
He was in Coordinating group of the FP7 OPTHER (Optically Driven THz Amplifier) to realize the 1 THz Traveling Wave Tube amplifier. He devised the double corrugated waveguide being so far one of the most affordable solution for the realisation of TWTs and Backward wave Oscillators up to 1 THz. He is Coordinator of the Horizon 2020 project TWEETHER "Travelling wave tube based w-band wireless networks with high data rate distribution, spectrum & energy efficiency" and of the H2020 ULTRAWAVE "Ultra capacity wireless layer beyond 100 GHz based on millimeter wave Traveling Wave Tubes".
He served as Local Organisation Chair of IEEE International Vacuum Electronic Conference 2009 (IVEC 2009) and as Conference Chair of UK/Europe China Millimeter Wave and THz Technology Workshop 2013 (UCMMT2013) held in Rome. He was Guest Editor for the Special Issue of Transaction on Electron Devices on Vacuum Electronics (June 2014). 

He was Chair of the Technical Programme Committee of the International Vacuum Electronics Conference 2017 (IVEC) held in London, 24-26 April 2017.
He was Technical Programme Committee Chair of UCMMT 2021.
He is IEEE Senior member.
His research interests are:
• Vacuum electron devices for millimetre wave and THz frequencies
• THz applications in plasma diagnostic, healthcare, high speed communications and imaging
• Microfabrication processes
• Novel slow wave structures for traveling wave tubes
• Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit
• Millimetre wave high capacity wireless networks for 5G backhaul and access
• Advanced and digital manufacturing.
He leads the Electronic Engineering group at Engineering Department.