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Employment (3)

University of Geneva: Geneva, CH

2020-05-01 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
François TURLIN

Université du Québec à Montréal: Montréal, QC, CA

2018-08-01 to 2020-04-30 | Postdoctorate fellow (Département des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Atmosphère)
Source: Self-asserted source
François TURLIN

Université de Lorraine: Nancy, Lorraine, FR

2014-11-03 to 2018-03-31 | PhD Student (GeoRessources)
Source: Self-asserted source
François TURLIN

Education and qualifications (4)

Université de Lorraine: Nancy, Lorraine, FR

2014 to 2017 | PhD
Source: Self-asserted source
François TURLIN

Université de Lorraine: Nancy, Lorraine, FR

2012 to 2014
Source: Self-asserted source
François TURLIN

Université de Lorraine: Nancy, Lorraine, FR

2011 to 2012 | BsC
Source: Self-asserted source
François TURLIN

Université de Rouen: Mont-Saint-Aignan, FR

2009 to 2011 | BsC
Source: Self-asserted source
François TURLIN

Works (11)

Vein topology, structures, and distribution during the prograde formation of an Archean gold stockwork

GSA Bulletin
2022-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: François Turlin; Stéphane De Souza; Michel Jébrak; Pierre-Arthur Groulier; Jordi Turcotte
Source: check_circle

Supplemental Material: Vein topology, structures, and distribution during the prograde formation of an Archean gold stockwork

2021-06-02 | Other
Contributors: François Turlin; et al.
Source: check_circle

Supplemental Material: Vein topology, structures, and distribution during the prograde formation of an Archean gold stockwork

2021-06-02 | Other
Contributors: François Turlin; et al.
Source: check_circle

Silicate-Carbonate Liquid Immiscibility: Insights from the Crevier Alkaline Intrusion (Quebec)

Journal of Petrology
2020-10-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Pierre-Arthur Groulier; François Turlin; Anne-Sylvie André-Mayer; Daniel Ohnenstetter; Alexandre Crépon; Philippe Boulvais; Marc Poujol; Claire Rollion-Bard; Armin Zeh; Abdelali Moukhsil et al.
Source: check_circle

Topological characterization of a polyphased gold-bearing vein network

Journal of Structural Geology
2019-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0191-8141
Source: Self-asserted source
François TURLIN

Biogeochemical Cycle of Lanthanides in a Light Rare Earth Element-Enriched Geological Area (Quebec, Canada)

2019-09-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Ana Romero-Freire; François Turlin; Anne-Sylvie André-Mayer; Mia Pelletier; Alain Cayer; Laure Giamberini
Source: check_circle

Petrogenesis of LREE-rich pegmatitic granite dykes in the central Grenville Province by partial melting of Paleoproterozoic-Archean metasedimentary rocks: Evidence from zircon U-Pb-Hf-O isotope and trace element analyses

Precambrian Research
2019-07 | Journal article
Contributors: François Turlin; Olivier Vanderhaeghe; Félix Gervais; Anne-Sylvie André-Mayer; Abdelali Moukhsil; Armin Zeh; Fabien Solgadi; I.P.T.N.
Source: check_circle

A 70 Ma record of suprasolidus conditions in the large, hot, long‐duration Grenville Orogen

Terra Nova
2018-06 | Journal article
Contributors: François Turlin; Clara Deruy; Aurélien Eglinger; Olivier Vanderhaeghe; Anne‐Sylvie André‐Mayer; Marc Poujol; Abdelali Moukhsil; Fabien Solgadi
Source: check_circle

Evidence for Nb-Ta Occurrences in the Syn-Tectonic Pan-African Mayo Salah Leucogranite (Northern Cameroon): Constraints from Nb-Ta Oxide Mineralogy, Geochemistry and U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Geochronology on Columbite and Monazite

2018-04 | Journal article
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Unusual LREE-rich, peraluminous, monazite- or allanite-bearing pegmatitic granite in the central Grenville Province, Québec

Ore Geology Reviews
2017-10 | Journal article
Contributors: François Turlin; Anne-Sylvie André-Mayer; Abdelali Moukhsil; Olivier Vanderhaeghe; Félix Gervais; Fabien Solgadi; Pierre-Arthur Groulier; Marc Poujol
Source: check_circle

Synmetamorphic Cu remobilization during the Pan-African orogeny: Microstructural, petrological and geochronological data on the kyanite-micaschists hosting the Cu(–U) Lumwana deposit in the Western Zambian Copperbelt of the Lufilian belt

Ore Geology Reviews
2016-06 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
François TURLIN