Personal information
Adjunct professor at UFF-Fluminense Federal University. PhD and Master in Business Administration (PUC-Rio), and graduated in Accounting (UERJ). She concluded an MBA in Marketing (PUC-Rio) and an MBA in Human Resources Management (FGV-RJ). She experienced a period as a Guest Researcher at KU - University of Copenhagen (6 months) and at SDU - University of Southern Denmark (1 year), as part of the Post-Doctorate at the COPPEAD Institute for Postgraduate Studies and Research in Administration at UFRJ. She has academic experience in Postgraduate and Undergraduate courses in the Administration area, with emphasis on Marketing. She is interested in the development of interpretive research and the adoption of qualitative methodology, related to topics such as ethnic-racial consumption, consumption at the base of the pyramid and symbolic meanings of consumption. Coordinator of NUCAL - Center for Latin American Consumption Studies, whose interest focused on the investigation of consumption in contexts somehow culturally connected with Brazil. Recently, the project entitled “Black consumers: stigma, racism and market relations” was selected for the Academic Development Scholarship Program -2020 by PROAES - Dean of Student Affairs at UFF. This project is dedicated to enabling students from UFF that live under socioeconomic vulnerability to receive financial aid through a scholarship and provide them an academic development. Another project, entitled "Investigation of racial issues and their manifestations in the market, using qualitative methods", was approved by PROPPI - UFF's Dean of Research, Graduate Studies and Innovation, in its scientific initiation scholarship program. She has professional experience in large and medium-sized companies, in different segments such as auditing, fashion, education, telecom, among others.
Employment (12)
Education and qualifications (6)
Professional activities (8)
Funding (2)
Works (42)