Personal information



Employment (1)

UiT The Arctic University of Norway: Tromsø, TROMS and FINNMARK, NO

2023-02-13 to present | Senior academic librarian (University library)
Source: Self-asserted source
Cornel Borit

Education and qualifications (1)

Freie Universität Berlin: Berlin, Germany, DE

2019-09-01 to 2023-09-12 | PhD (Department of Philosophy and Humanities)
Source: Self-asserted source
Cornel Borit

Works (9)

Right Info at the Right Time: Providing Access to Information Literacy for Students in Flexible Education

Creating Knowledge
2024-06-06 | Conference paper | Conceptualization, Writing - original draft
Contributors: Cornel Borit; Ann-Karin Storøy; Hanne Dreiem
Source: Self-asserted source
Cornel Borit

Synergier i biblioteket: En felles innsats for kvalitetstjenester til stipendiatene på UiT

Bibliotekenes nettverk for ph.d.-støtte
2024-04-26 | Conference paper | Writing - original draft, Conceptualization
Contributors: Cornel Borit; Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen; Ireen Vieweg
Source: Self-asserted source
Cornel Borit

Between ‘Stochastic Parrots’ and ‘Skynet’: Imaginaries of Data in Films on AI and Autonomous Technologies

Big Data Discourses: Communicating, Deliberating, and Imagining Datafication
2024-02-01 | Conference paper | Writing - review & editing
Contributors: Pötzsch, Holger; Mashiur, Zoheb; Borit, Melania; Cornel Borit
Source: Self-asserted source
Cornel Borit

Literary Responses to Migration Myths in Post-World War II Britain: The ‘Windrush Generation’ and East European Migration After 2004

2023-11-13 | Dissertation or Thesis | Writing - review & editing
Contributors: Cornel Borit
Source: Self-asserted source
Cornel Borit

Albion Under Assault: Denouncing the Migrant Invasion Myth in Small Island and Perfidious Albion

MOVES Final Conference
2022-08 | Conference paper
Contributors: Cornel Borit
Source: Self-asserted source
Cornel Borit

Reality in the Text and the Text in Reality: Integrating Migration Literature in the Study of Migration

MOVES Summer School
2021-08 | Conference paper
Contributors: Cornel Borit
Source: Self-asserted source
Cornel Borit

Representations of Colonialism in Three Popular, Modern Board Games: Puerto Rico, Struggle of Empires, and Archipelago

Open Library of Humanities
2018-04-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2056-6700
Source: Self-asserted source
Cornel Borit

Conflicts Between Nation-States and Unrecognized Ethnic Minorities

The Csangoes of Moldavia and the Changing World
2009 | Book chapter
Contributors: Cornel Borit
Source: Self-asserted source
Cornel Borit

The Scheme of Intractable Conflicts. Theoretical Assessment of the Csangoes’ Identity Conflicts within the Context of the Romanian Nation State

The Csangoes of Moldavia: Endangered Minorities, Endangered Cultures
2006 | Book chapter
Contributors: Cornel Borit
Source: Self-asserted source
Cornel Borit