Personal information

environmental engineering, bioindication, electronic senses, water quality, porous media


Employment (1)

Lublin University of Technology: Lublin, Lublin region, PL

2002-02-01 to present (Environmental Engineering Faculty)
Source: Self-asserted source
Grzegorz Łagód

Education and qualifications (1)

Lublin University of Technology: Lublin, Lublin region, PL

1996-10-01 to 2004-12-10 | Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng. (Environmental Engineering Faculty)
Source: Self-asserted source
Grzegorz Łagód

Works (50 of 148)

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Application of automatic image analysis using a Deep Learning Neural Network for assessing the growth of green algae containing carotenoids – importance for environment, health and aquaculture

Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
2025-03-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Monika M. Zdeb; Mateusz Walo; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle

Feasibility of classification of drainage and river water quality using machine learning methods based on multidimensional data from a gas sensor array

Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
2024-12-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Magdalena Piłat-Rożek; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle

Bioindication Studies of Surface Water Supported by Automatic Image Analysis Using Deep Learning Neural Network – Cyclotella Case Study

Journal of Ecological Engineering
2024-12-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Mateusz Walo; Grzegorz Łagód; Dariusz Majerek; Tetyana Kuzmina
Source: check_circle

Experimental Research on the Possibility of Changing the Adhesion of Epoxy Glue to Concrete

2024-11-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Andrzej Szewczak; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle
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Automatic Image Analysis Method as a Tool to Evaluate the Anisotropy of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete for Moisture and Heat Transport

2024-10-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Dariusz Majerek; Elżbieta Sędzielewska; Magdalena Paśnikowska-Łukaszuk; Ewa Łazuka; Zbigniew Suchorab; Grzegorz Łagód
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Concentration and risk assessment of metals in snow cover monitoring in urban and rural areas

Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
2024-06-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Justyna Kujawska; Edyta Wojtaś; Jacek Zaburko; Iwona Kamińska; Joanna Czerpak; Konrad Jamka; Roman Babko; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle

Microscopic Studies of Activated Sludge Supported by Automatic Image Analysis Based on Deep Learning Neural Networks

Journal of Ecological Engineering
2024-04-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Marcin Dziadosz; Dariusz Majerek; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle

Assessment of Energy Self-Sufficiency of Wastewater Treatment Plants—A Case Study from Poland

2024-03-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Adam Masłoń; Joanna Czarnota; Paulina Szczyrba; Aleksandra Szaja; Joanna Szulżyk-Cieplak; Grzegorz Łagód
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Diversity of Peritricha (Ciliophora) in Activated Sludge Depending on the Technology of Wastewater Treatment

Journal of Ecological Engineering
2024-02-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Roman Babko; Tatiana Kuzmina; Volodimir Pliashechnik; Jacek Zaburko; Joanna Szulżyk-Cieplak; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle

Comparison of leaching behaviour of heavy metals from sediments sampled in sewer systems – environmental and public health aspect

Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
2023-12-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Justyna Kujawska; Sylwia Duda-Saternus; Joanna Szulżyk-Cieplak; Jacek Zaburko; Magdalena Piłat-Rożek; Konrad Jamka; Roman Babko; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle

Innovations in Wastewater Treatment: Harnessing Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulations with Cutting-Edge Technologies and Advanced Control Systems

Journal of Ecological Engineering
2023-12-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Jakub Drewnowski; Bartosz Szeląg; Fabrizio Sabba; Magdalena Piłat-Rożek; Adam Piotrowicz; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle

Rapid Method of Wastewater Classification by Electronic Nose for Performance Evaluation of Bioreactors with Activated Sludge

2023-10-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Magdalena Piłat-Rożek; Marcin Dziadosz; Dariusz Majerek; Katarzyna Jaromin-Gleń; Bartosz Szeląg; Łukasz Guz; Adam Piotrowicz; Grzegorz Łagód
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A simplified method for determining potential heavy metal leached from sediments of stormwater and combined sewer systems – importance for public health

Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine
2023-09-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Sylwia Duda-Saternus; Justyna Kujawska; Edyta Wojtaś; Aleksandra Kozłowska; Konrad Jamka; Bartosz Szeląg; Roman Babko; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle

Application of Dimensionality Reduction and Machine Learning Methods for the Interpretation of Gas Sensor Array Readouts from Mold-Threatened Buildings

Applied Sciences
2023-07-26 | Journal article
Contributors: Grzegorz Łagód; Magdalena Piłat-Rożek; Dariusz Majerek; Ewa Łazuka; Zbigniew Suchorab; Łukasz Guz; Václav Kočí; Robert Černý
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Environmental Engineering Applications of Electronic Nose Systems Based on MOX Gas Sensors

2023-06-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Ali Khorramifar; Hamed Karami; Larisa Lvova; Alireza Kolouri; Ewa Łazuka; Magdalena Piłat-Rożek; Grzegorz Łagód; Jose Ramos; Jesús Lozano; Mohammad Kaveh et al.
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Determining the shelf life and quality changes of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) during storage using electronic nose and machine learning

2023-04-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Ali Khorramifar; Pankaj B. Pathare; Mansour Rasekh; Hamed Karami; Jesús Lozano; Marek Gancarz; Ewa Łazuka; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle

Evaluating the Use of Intelligent Irrigation Systems Based on the IoT in Grain Corn Irrigation

2023-04-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Hooman Sharifnasab; Ali Mahrokh; Hossein Dehghanisanij; Ewa Łazuka; Grzegorz Łagód; Hamed Karami
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Application of Machine Learning Methods for an Analysis of E-Nose Multidimensional Signals in Wastewater Treatment

2023-01-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Magdalena Piłat-Rożek; Ewa Łazuka; Dariusz Majerek; Bartosz Szeląg; Sylwia Duda-Saternus; Grzegorz Łagód
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Adhesion of Modified Epoxy Resin to a Concrete Surface

2022-12-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Andrzej Szewczak; Grzegorz Łagód
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Influence of Water with Oxygen and Ozone Micro-Nano Bubbles on Concrete Physical Properties

2022-11-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Małgorzata Grzegorczyk-Frańczak; Danuta Barnat-Hunek; Kalina Materak; Grzegorz Łagód
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Flood occurrence analysis in small urban catchments in the context of regional variability

2022-11-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Bartosz Szeląg; Paul Leahy; Roman Suligowski; Grzegorz Łagód; Ewa Łazuka; Paweł Wlaź; David Stránský; Francesco De Paola; Francesco Fatone
Source: check_circle

The Applications of Graph Algorithms to Modeling of Integrated Urban Water Management System

Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal
2022-11-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Ewa Łazuka; Anna Futa; Magdalena Jastrzębska; Grzegorz Łagód; Bartosz Szeląg; Francesco Fatone
Source: check_circle

Energy Simulations of a Building Insulated with a Hemp-Lime Composite with Different Wall and Node Variants

2022-10 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Przemysław Brzyski; Magdalena Maria Grudzińska; Martin Bohm; Grzegorz Łagód
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Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Ratio of abundances of ciliates behavioral groups as an indicator of the treated wastewater impact on rivers

2022-10-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Roman Babko; Michael A. Chadwick; Volodymyr Pliashechnyk; Jacek Zaburko; Yaroslav Danko; Tatiana Kuzmina; Joanna Czarnota; Joanna Szulżyk-Cieplak; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle

Development of Rainfall-Runoff Models for Sustainable Stormwater Management in Urbanized Catchments

2022-06 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Bartosz Szeląg; Grzegorz Łagód; Musz-Pomorska; Marcin Widomski; David Stránský; Marek Sokáč; Jozefína Pokrývková; Roman Babko
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Comparison of the Moist Material Relative Permittivity Readouts Using the Non-Invasive Reflectometric Sensors and Microwave Antenna

2022-05 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Zbigniew Suchorab; Krzysztof Tabiś; Przemysław Brzyski; Zenon Szczepaniak; Tomasz Rogala; Waldemar Susek; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Influence of urban catchment characteristics and rainfall origins on the phenomenon of stormwater flooding: Case study

Environmental Modelling & Software
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Bartosz Szeląg; Roman Suligowski; Francesco De Paola; Piotr Siwicki; Dariusz Majerek; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle

Knowledge and Technology Used in Capacitive Deionization of Water

2022-04 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: kamran salari; Payam Zarafshan; Morteza Khashehchi; Gholamreza Chegini; Hamed Etezadi; Hamed Karami; Joanna Szulzyk-Cieplak; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Thermal Properties of Illite-Zeolite Mixtures up to 1100 °C

2022-04 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Štefan Csáki; Ivana Sunitrová; František Lukáč; Grzegorz Łagód; Anton Trník
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Spatial Distribution of Ciliate Assemblages in a Shallow Floodplain Lake with an Anaerobic Zone

2022-03 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Roman Babko; Tetiana Kuzmina; Yaroslav Danko; Volodymyr Pliashechnyk; Joanna Szulzyk-Cieplak; Ewa Łazuka; Jacek Zaburko; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Determination of Time Domain Reflectometry Surface Sensors Sensitivity Depending on Geometry and Material Moisture

2022-01 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Zbigniew Suchorab; Agnieszka Malec; Henryk Sobczuk; Grzegorz Łagód; Izolda Gorgol; Ewa Łazuka; Przemysław Brzyski; Anton Trník
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Relationship Between Rainfall Duration and Sewer System Performance Measures Within the Context of Uncertainty

Water Resources Management
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Bartosz Szeląg; Adam Kiczko; Grzegorz Łagód; Francesco De Paola
Source: check_circle

Relationship between Visibility, Air Pollution Index and Annual Mortality Rate in Association with the Occurrence of Rainfall—A Probabilistic Approach

2021-12 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Grzegorz Majewski; Bartosz Szeląg; Anita Białek; Michał Stachura; Barbara Wodecka; Ewa Anioł; Tomasz Wdowiak; Andrzej Brandyk; Wioletta Rogula-Kozłowska; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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The Influence of Casein Protein Admixture on Pore Size Distribution and Mechanical Properties of Lime-Metakaolin Paste

2021-11 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Przemysław Brzyski; Zbigniew Suchorab; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Influence of the Direction of Mixture Compaction on the Selected Properties of a Hemp-Lime Composite

2021-08 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Przemysław Brzyski; Piotr Gleń; Mateusz Gładecki; Monika Rumińska; Zbigniew Suchorab; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Advanced Graphical–Analytical Method of Pipe Tank Design Integrated with Sensitivity Analysis for Sustainable Stormwater Management in Urbanized Catchments

2021-04 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Bartosz Szeląg; Adam Kiczko; Musz-Pomorska; Marcin Widomski; Jacek Zaburko; Grzegorz Łagód; David Stránský; Marek Sokáč
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Physical Properties and Durability of Lime-Cement Mortars Prepared with Water Containing Micro-Nano Bubbles of Various Gases

2021-04 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Małgorzata Grzegorczyk-Frańczak; Danuta Barnat-Hunek; Wojciech Andrzejuk; Jacek Zaburko; Monika Zalewska; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Thermophysical Properties of Kaolin–Zeolite Blends up to 1100 °C

2021-02 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Ján Ondruška; Tomáš Húlan; Ivana Sunitrová; Štefan Csáki; Grzegorz Łagód; Alena Struhárová; Anton Trník
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Heat Losses Caused by the Temporary Influence of Wind in Timber Frame Walls Insulated with Fibrous Materials

2020-12 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Piotr Kosiński; Przemysław Brzyski; Zbigniew Suchorab; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Mutual Interaction between Temperature and DO Set Point on AOB and NOB Activity during Shortcut Nitrification in a Sequencing Batch Reactor in Terms of Energy Consumption Optimization

2020-11 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Mehdi Sharif Shourjeh; Przemysław Kowal; Jakub Drewnowski; Bartosz Szeląg; Aleksandra Szaja; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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The Enhancement of Energy Efficiency in a Wastewater Treatment Plant through Sustainable Biogas Use: Case Study from Poland

2020-11 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Adam Masłoń; Joanna Czarnota; Aleksandra Szaja; Joanna Szulzyk-Cieplak; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Modeling of the Aeration System of a Sequencing Batch Reactor

Journal of Ecological Engineering
2020-10-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Jacek Zaburko; Radosław Głowienka; Marcin Widomski; Joanna Szulżyk-Cieplak; Roman Babko; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle

Modeling and Optimization of Pollutants Removal during Simultaneous Adsorption onto Activated Carbon with Advanced Oxidation in Aqueous Environment

2020-09 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Lidia Dąbek; Anna Picheta-Oleś; Bartosz Szeląg; Joanna Szulzyk-Cieplak; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Powdered Ceramsite and Powdered Limestone Use in Aerobic Granular Sludge Technology

2020-09 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Joanna Czarnota; Janusz A. Tomaszek; Adam Masłoń; Adam Piech; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Flexural Behavior of Composite Concrete Slabs Made with Steel and Polypropylene Fibers Reinforced Concrete in the Compression Zone

2020-08 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Barbara Sadowska-Buraczewska; Małgorzata Szafraniec; Danuta Barnat-Hunek; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Wettability of Asphalt Concrete with Natural and Recycled Aggregates from Sanitary Ceramics

2020-08 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Wojciech Andrzejuk; Andrzej Szewczak; Stanisław Fic; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Investigation of Pellet Properties Produced from a Mix of Straw and Paper Sludge

Applied Sciences
2020-08-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Radovan Nosek; Sebastian Werle; Aleksandra Borsukiewicz; Agnieszka Żelazna; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle

Oxygen Gradients and Structure of the Ciliate Assemblages in Floodplain Lake

2020-07-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Roman Babko; Tetiana Kuzmina; Yaroslav Danko; Joanna Szulżyk-Cieplak; Grzegorz Łagód
Source: check_circle

Experimental and Computational Study of Thermal Processes in Red Clays Exposed to High Temperatures

2020-05 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Vaclav Koci; Lenka Scheinherrová; Jiří Maděra; Martin Keppert; Zbigniew Suchorab; Grzegorz Łagód; Robert Cerny
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Soft Sensor Application in Identification of the Activated Sludge Bulking Considering the Technological and Economical Aspects of Smart Systems Functioning

2020-03-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Bartosz Szeląg; Jakub Drewnowski; Grzegorz Łagód; Dariusz Majerek; Ewa Dacewicz; Francesco Fatone
Source: check_circle
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