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Works (3)

LT1, an ONT long-read-based assembly scaffolded with Hi-C data and polished with short reads

2022-05-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Hui-Su Kim; Asta Blazyte; Sungwon Jeon; Changhan Yoon; Yeonkyung Kim; Changjae Kim; Dan Bolser; Ji-Hye Ahn; Jeremy S. Edwards; Jong Bhak
Source: check_circle

The Lithuanian reference genome LT1 - a humande novogenome assembly with short and long read sequence and Hi-C data

2021-04-05 | Preprint
Contributors: Hui-Su Kim; Asta Blazyte; Sungwon Jeon; Changhan Yoon; Yeonkyung Kim; Changjae Kim; Dan Bolser; Ji-Hye Ahn; Jeremy S. Edwards; Jong Bhak
Source: check_circle

Korean Genome Project: 1094 Korean personal genomes with clinical information

Science Advances
2020-05-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Sungwon Jeon; Youngjune Bhak; Yeonsong Choi; Yeonsu Jeon; Seunghoon Kim; Jaeyoung Jang; Jinho Jang; Asta Blazyte; Changjae Kim; Yeonkyung Kim et al.
Source: check_circle