Personal information
• PhD in Chemistry, Postdoctoral stages: Postdoctoral fellowship at Laboratoire de Genie Cellulaire-University of Picardie Jules Verne (France) and Stage in Laboratoire de Physique et d'Application RMN (UMR CNRS 8009), University of Lille2 (France). Total time 27 months.
• Associate professor of Biochemistry at the University of Huelva since 2010. Member of Biotechnology of Algae research group, from the University of Huelva.
• Research activity focused in the biosynthesis of value compounds obtained from microalgae for human health, animal feed and energy (particularly, carotenoids and triacylglycerides).
• Member of research projects from MINECO and Plan Andaluz de Investigación. Coordinator at the University of Huelva of SPLASH research subproject of the VII EU Framework Program.
• Author of articles published in journals JCR. Reviewer of scientific articles (JCR) in the field of microalgae biotechnology for journals indexed by the JCR.