Personal information


Employment (1)

University of Warwick: Coventry, GB

1990-01-01 to 2013-12-31 | Co-Director DTC Complex Systems Science and Associate Lecturer (Business School )
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Funding (18)

Reframing the Discourse on Violent Extremism

2018-05 to 2018-07 | Award
University of Hull: Internal Responsive Mode Funding: Global Challenges Research Fund (Hull, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Reducing Inequalities in Cancer Outcomes in Yorkshire: Realising our potential for innovation in Diagnosis, Patient Management, Survivorship and Palliative Care Research

2017 to 2022-03 | Grant
Yorkshire Cancer Research (Harrogate, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Resilience of Complex Socio-Economic Systems

2016-10 to 2022-10 | Award
University of Hull Research Cluster Competition (Hull, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Developing a Model for Place Based Public Safety

2016-03 to 2016-04 | Contract
Humberside Fire and Rescue Services (Hull, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Social Enterprise Education

2016-02 to 2017-03 | Grant
British Council (London, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Review of the Welsh Audit Office Good Practice Exchange

2015-12 to 2016-03 | Contract
Welsh Audit Office (Cardiff, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Systemic Risk in Ministry of Defence Procurements

2015-09 to 2018-09 | Grant
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Porton Down, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Building sustainable agricultural supply chains in India.

2014-10 to 2015-01 | Grant
British Council (London, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Evaluation of 1000 Lives Patient Flow Programme

2014-06 to 2017-12 | Grant
Health Foundation (London, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

European InterNet Science

2012-12 to 2014 | Award
Seventh Framework Programme (Brussels, Europe, BE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Privacy Enhancing Technologies

2009-03 to 2009-12 | Contract
Lockheed Martin (Md., Md., US)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Co-ordination Action on the Science of Complex Systems and Socially Intelligent ICT

2009-01 to 2012-03 | Award
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) (Brussels, Europe, BE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Feasibility Study on Food Security

2008-12 to 2009-03 | Grant
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK Government (London, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

EmergeNet research network for complexity and social systems

2007-10 to 2011-09 | Grant
EPSRC (Swindon, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Doctoral Training Centre in Complexity Science

2006-10 to 2011-09 | Award
EPSRC (Swindon, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Attitude of Health Professionals to Giving Advice on Fitness to Drive.

2004-05 to 2007-01 | Award
Department of Transport, UK Government (London, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Inland Waterway Transport Solutions

European Regional Development Fund (Brussels, BE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali

Organisational and Information Systems Complexity

2022-12 | Award
British Telecommunications (London, GB)
Source: Self-asserted source
Yasmin Merali