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Saverio De Vito holds a Ph.D. in Information Engineering. Formerly a SW architect specializing in TLC/EO satellite platforms and their applications, since 2004 He is a full researcher (now Senior Researcher) and team leader with ENEA. His research focuses on artificial olfaction & vision, smart cyber physical systems & IoT, intelligent sensing, machine learning with application to environmental (air quality) monitoring, energy production, aerospace industry, water and gas infrastructures. He pioneered Citizen Science approaches to Air Quality monitoring, AI for field calibration of low cost AQ sensors, and distributed sensing for water infrastructure which have been subject of several patents and technological transfer actions. He coordinated/participated in several international research projects funded by FP7, H2020, FLAG-ERA, CLEANSKY, and UIA programs. He co-authored more than 90 scientific contributions in Journals and Conferences. He is currently serving as President of ISOCS and is an IEEE, ETIP-PV, AISEM Member. He serves in UNI GL4 group as well as IEEE P2520.1 standardization working group for odour and olfactive nuisance monitoring. He is a member of technical committee of ISOEN, IJCNN, Eurosensors and serves as a reviewer and guest editor for many journal in sensors, measurements, AI and environmental science fileds. He is an expert evaluator for EU since 2006 and was project evaluator for several funding istitution in EU and Oceania. He has been professor of Computer engineering at University of Cassino since 2005 and for MAIA international master since 2015. He also participated in several science communication actions targeting general public on national and international broadcasters and schools. He was a member of 28th Italian research expedition in Antarctica.
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