Personal information
Rodrigo Lilla Manzione is graduated in Agronomic Engineering at Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) in 1999, master's degree in Agronomy (Energy in Agriculture) at UNESP in 2002), both at the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences (FCA), Botucatu Campus, doctorate in remote sensing by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) in 2007 in São José dos Campos, and habilitation in Hydrogeography and Agrometeorologyat UNESP in 2016 in Ourinhos Campus. He has experience in the field of agronomy and the environment, with an emphasis on statistical modeling, working mainly on the following topics: pedology, hydrogeology, precision agriculture, geostatistics, time series, geoprocessing, geographic information system and risks and uncertainties mapping. He was a PDEE-CAPES fellow, doing a doctorate internship abroad (sandwich) at the ALTERRA institute, Wageningen University, Netherlands. Since 2008, he has been a full time professor at Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, teaching and researching in the areas of geoprocessing, water resources and agrometeorology in the Geography course at the Campus of Ourinhos (CO) until 2016, from 2017 to 2022 on the Biosystems Engineering course of the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FCE) of Tupã and from the second semester of 2022 until now in the Geography course of the School of Sciences, Technology and Education (FCTE) of Ourinhos. He was head of the Biosystems Engineering Department (DEB) at UNESP/FCE-Tupã from feb/2020 to jan/2022. He works with the academic graduate programs in Agricultural Engineering at UNESP/FCA-Botucatu, Geography at UNESP/FCT-Pres. Prudente and Geosciences and Environment at UNESP/IGCE-Rio Claro, supervising masters and doctoral students. He also works in the professional master courses in Water Resources at UNESP/FCT-Presidente Prudente and in Water Resources Management and Regulation (PROFÁGUA) at UNESP/FEIS-Ilha Solteira. Since 2020 he is an adjunct member of the School of Natural Resources (SNR) at the University of Nebraska (UNL) in Lincoln, USA.