Personal information
Ozcan Gungor was born and raised in Chorum Province/Turkey. He graduated from the Ankara University in Ankara. Dr. Gungor is an associate of Sociology of Religion. He has a Master and Ph.D. degree from Ankara University, Faculty of Divinity in Turkey.
He has two decades experience on Muslim Communities in the United States. He spent extensive periods as researcher at Ankara University, Ataturk University and Presidency of Religious Affairs of Turkey. He is an expert and has written several articles on the Islamic Religious Movements, Identity, Religious Values, Immigrant and Social Institutions such as State and Family.
He was appointed as an associate professor in 2014 in the field of Sociology of Religion, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, where he was appointed in 2013, and continues his studies as the head of the department and the same faculty in 2019.
He worked as coordinator in national and international important projects, comments on newspapers and TVs, and worked as a researcher in countries such as the USA, Germany and Hungary.
Published books: 1-Araftaki Kimlik: Alevilik Bektaşilik; 2-Araf’tan Marufa: Alevilik-Bektaşilik; 3-Türkiye’de Dini Gruplar, 4-Çalışan Gençlik ve Değerler; 5-Religion in Modern Turkey; 6-İki Dünya Bir Aile; 7-Sosyolojik Kur’an Okumaları; 8-Bilimsel Araştırma Süreçleri; 9-Dinî, Tarihî ve Edebî Açıdan Kudüs, 10-Buhara Konuşmaları; 11-Üsküp Konuşmaları
Güngör is married and has three children and speaks English and Arabic.