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Works (11)

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients with Skip-N2 Metastases Have Similar Survival to N1 Patients—A Multicenter Analysis

Journal of Personalized Medicine
2025-03-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Georg Schlachtenberger; Simon Schallenberg; Fabian Doerr; Hruy Menghesha; Christopher Gaisendrees; Andres Amorin; Alberto Lopez-Pastorini; Reinhard Büettner; Alexander Quaas; David Horst et al.
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Is CK7 a Prognostic Marker in Pulmonary LCNEC? Evidence from a Limited Cohort Study

Journal of Personalized Medicine
2025-02-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Hruy Menghesha; Donatas Zalepugas; Amina Camo; Georg Schlachtenberger; Konstantinos Grapatsas; Andres Amorin Estremadoyro; Fabian Doerr; Matthias Heldwein; Alexander Quaas; Servet Bölükbas et al.
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BCL-B Promotes Lung Cancer Invasiveness by Direct Inhibition of BOK

2025-02-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Palaniappan Ramesh; Amal R. Al Kadi; Gaurav M. Borse; Maximilian Webendörfer; Gregor Zaun; Martin Metzenmacher; Fabian Doerr; Servet Bölükbas; Balazs Hegedüs; Smiths S. Lueong et al.
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Closing the RCT Gap—A Large Meta-Analysis on the Role of Surgery in Stage I–III Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients

2024-05-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Fabian Doerr; Sebastian Stange; Sophie Salamon; Konstantinos Grapatsas; Natalie Baldes; Maximilian Michel; Hruy Menghesha; Georg Schlachtenberger; Matthias B. Heldwein; Lars Hagmeyer et al.
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LIONS PREY: A New Logistic Scoring System for the Prediction of Malignant Pulmonary Nodules

2024-02-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Fabian Doerr; Annika Giese; Katja Höpker; Hruy Menghesha; Georg Schlachtenberger; Konstantinos Grapatsas; Natalie Baldes; Christian J. Baldus; Lars Hagmeyer; Hazem Fallouh et al.
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Postoperative Tobacco Cessation Improves Quality of Life, Lung Function and Long-Term Survival in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients

2024-01-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Fabian Doerr; Tobias Leschczyk; Konstantinos Grapatsas; Hruy Menghesha; Natalie Baldes; Georg Schlachtenberger; Matthias B. Heldwein; Maximilian Michel; Alexander Quaas; Lars Hagmeyer et al.
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Pneumonectomy for Primary Lung Tumors and Pulmonary Metastases: A Comprehensive Study of Postoperative Morbidity, Early Mortality, and Preoperative Clinical Prognostic Factors

Current Oncology
2023-10-25 | Journal article
Contributors: Konstantinos Grapatsas; Hruy Menghesha; Fabian Dörr; Natalie Baldes; Martin Schuler; Martin Stuschke; Kaid Darwiche; Christian Taube; Servet Bölükbas
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Do skip-N2 metastases significantly impact overall survival and disease-free interval in N2 non-small-cell lung cancer patients? A multicentre analysis

European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
2023-07-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Georg Schlachtenberger; Simon Schallenberg; Fabian Doerr; Hruy Menghesha; Christopher Gaisendrees; Andres Amorin; Corinna Grathwohl; Reinhard Büttner; Alexander Quaas; David Horst et al.
Source: check_circle

Simulation is a key element in the optimization of training in thoracic surgery

European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
2023-04-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Fabian Doerr; Maroua Eid; Vinci Naruka; Nabil Hussein
Source: check_circle

Stage I and II Small-Cell Lung Cancer—New Challenge for Surgery

2022-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Fabian Doerr; Sebastian Stange; Maximilian Michel; Georg Schlachtenberger; Hruy Menghesha; Thorsten Wahlers; Khosro Hekmat; Matthias B. Heldwein
Source: check_circle

Redefining the role of surgery in early small-cell lung cancer

Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery
2022-08-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Fabian Doerr; Sebastian Stange; Maximilian Michel; Georg Schlachtenberger; Hruy Menghesha; Thorsten Wahlers; Khosro Hekmat; Matthias B. Heldwein
Source: check_circle

Peer review (3 reviews for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery (3)