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Shalini Dhyani is Principal Scientist at Environmental Impact Assessment, Audit and Policy Division of CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur, India.
Shalini is known for her research spanning over twenty years on conservation of forest ecosystems, restoration of degraded landscapes using nature-based solutions for disaster risk reduction, climate adaptations and urban sustainability concerns for developing socio-ecological resilience, with several pivotal research and popular publications on these topics. Dr. Shalini’s research contributions have provided practical solutions for developing socio-ecological resilience by integrating modern scientific approaches, with traditional knowledge systems. Her interdisciplinary work on diverse ecosystems combines field-based biodiversity studies, participatory social studies, indigenous and local knowledge systems, remote sensing, ecosystem modelling and integration of science policy. Shalini is recognised for her comprehensive work in different parts of Asia in exploring, assessing and highlighting the relevance of socio-ecological concerns in shaping the natural and human-dominated landscapes.
Her works on interlinkages between socio-ecological systems, ecosystem health assessments, using diverse knowledge systems, and interdisciplinary approaches by involving diverse stakeholders by providing incentives to develop practical climate-sensitive restoration models has helped reduce land degradation and securing co-benefits. Sustainability Science, Science Policy Research, and Indigenous & Traditional Knowledge Systems are her core expertise and her work has highlighted the relevance of mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem-inclusive decision-making for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Adaptations in Global South.
For her interdisciplinary research and practice, she has received awards that includes the IUCN CEM Chair’s first young professional award, 2014; Asian Rural Women's Coalition (ARWC), Malaysia 2011; SAARC Forestry Centre, Bhutan, 2014; Special Recognition by Chair IUCN CEM, 2021; Winner, Forest Harvest CBNE Forum 2021; UNESCO-TWAS Associateship Award 2022, and 2024 PMs Agenda 3 on women’s role in disaster risk reduction by NIDM and Ministry of Home Affairs, India. She also got opportunity to speak in UNGA during the midterm review of the Sendai Framework, 2023. She has written 60+ research publications, including in Nature, Ecology and Evolution (invited by the journal for midterm review of SDG 15 along with CBD and Ramsar Secretary), Npj Biodiversity, Restoration and Sustainability Energy Reviews and Frontiers in Ecology and Environment, and is one of the renowned scientists in the field of ecology in India.
In addition to academic writing, she is deeply interested in writing popular science articles for communicating science to massess. She has written a number of popular articles in English and also in Hindi and one was translated in Malayalam.
She is a well-known public speaker and writer on issues of Ecosystem Health Assessments, Nature based Solutions, Urban Sustainability and Restoration at various national and international platforms and many of those are available in public domain, and anchors the IUCN CEM’s activities on Red List of Ecosystems and Nature based Solutions in India. She also editor of important books on Nature based Solutions in Asia, Blue-Green Infrastructure, Forest Resilience, Ecosystem modelling and Urban Foraging.
Shalini has been a Lead Author on the IPBES Asia-Pacific Regional Assessment, Sustainable Use Assessment and now she is involved as scoping expert and Lead Author in IUFRO on the Forest Resilience and ICIMOD report on Springsheds in Hindukush Himalayas. She engages with international science and policy through her involvement as a Vice Chair, Asia and Steering Committee member of the IUCN Commission on Ecosystems Management. She is involved as an expert with the Bureau of Indian Standards for mountain landslide reduction, WRI FOLU-India initiative as a steering committee member and as a mentor with WRI Cityfix project in Mumbai as well as in the editorial board of the journal Sustainability Science, Restoration Ecology, Agroforestry Systems. She is also visiting Scientist to CIFOR, Indonesia as a UNESCO-TWAS Associate and Visiting Professor Khazar University, Azarbaijan.