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Works (29)

Riverbank fascines mostly fail due to scouring: Consistent evidence from field and flume observations

River Research and Applications
2025-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Solange Leblois; Guillaume Piton; Alain Recking; Delphine Jaymond; Alexis Buffet; André Evette
Source: check_circle

Enhancing fascine techniques for slopes erosion control: A comprehensive technical guide

2025-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Marie Didier; André Evette; Emma Schmitt; Solange Leblois; Delphine Jaymond; Jean-Baptiste Evette; Eleonore Mira; Pierre Raymond; Pierre-Andre Frossard; Anne Vivier
Source: check_circle

Literature review and empirical analysis of bend scour formulas.

2025-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Natacha Fructus; Solange Leblois; Guillaume Piton; Alain Recking; André Evette
Source: check_circle

Which willows for Soil and Water Bioengineering structures on high-elevation streambank? Ex situ study of cutting capacity of three shrub species

2025-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Juliette Rousset; Sarah Menoli; Adeline François; André Evette
Source: check_circle

Which willows for Soil and Water Bioengineering structures on high-elevation streambank? In situ study of cutting capacity of six species

2025-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Adeline Francois; Juliette Rousset; Marie Didier; André Evette
Source: check_circle

Willows root distribution on riverbanks through a descriptive approach

2025-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Solange Leblois; Guillaume Piton; André Evette
Source: check_circle

Le génie végétal au secours de la connectivité écologique des berges de cours d’eau

Sciences Eaux & Territoires
2024-11-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Étienne BONCOURT; André EVETTE; Laurent BERGÈS; Maria ALP
Source: check_circle

Conseils pratiques pour l’utilisation du bouturage pour le génie végétal en berges de cours d’eau

Sciences Eaux & Territoires
2024-10-24 | Journal article
Contributors: Marie DIDIER; André EVETTE; Patrice PRUNIER; Pierre-André FROSSARD; Anne VIVIER; Mathias PIRES; Juliette ROUSSET
Source: check_circle

What drives the success of knotweed control by tarping?

Biological Invasions
2024-07 | Journal article
Contributors: François-Marie Martin; Marie-Anne Dusz; Fanny Dommanget; André Evette
Source: check_circle

Riparian habitat connectivity restoration in an anthropized landscape: A multi-species approach based on landscape graph and soil bioengineering structures

Environmental Management
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Etienne Boncourt; Laurent Bergès; Maria Alp; Blandine Dupont; Timothée Herviault; André Evette
Source: check_circle

Hydrogeomorphological processes and plant invasion. What interactions in the case of Asian knotweeds along the Herault River (France)?

River Research and Applications
2023-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Marie Didier; Laurent Borgniet; Caroline Le Bouteiller; André Evette; Mireille Boyer; Fanny Dommanget
Source: check_circle

Promouvoir le génie végétal au Québec

Sciences Eaux & Territoires
2023-10-26 | Journal article
Contributors: André EVETTE; Monique POULIN; Marylise COTTET; Clémence MOREAU
Source: check_circle

Quels enjeux à relever pour accroître l’utilisation du génie végétal en territoire urbain ?

Sciences Eaux & Territoires
2023-10-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Clémence MOREAU; André EVETTE; Marylise COTTET; Adeline FRANÇOIS; Anne RIVIÈRE-HONEGGER; Stéphanie VUKELIC; Crescience LECAUDÉ
Source: check_circle

Fascines for riverbank stabilization : structural failure processes and design suggestions from physical modelling

2023-05-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Solange Leblois; Guillaume Piton; Alain Recking; André Evette
Source: check_circle

Natural streambank structure assessment in mountain rivers: an approach combining ecology and hydromorphology

2023-05-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Rousset Juliette; Piton Guillaume; Didier Marie; François Adeline; Evette André
Source: check_circle

“Protéger” an integrated project to promote soil bioengineering to protect riverbanks of Guadeloupe

2023-05-15 | Preprint
Contributors: André Evette; Eléonore Mira; Marie Robert; Alain Rousteau; Régis Tournebize; Lucie Labbouz; Pierre Raymond
Source: check_circle

Can vegetation clearing operations and reprofiling of bars be considered as an ecological restoration measure? Lessons from a 10‐year vegetation monitoring program (Loire River, France)

Restoration Ecology
2023-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Philippe Janssen; Richard Chevalier; Michel Chantereau; Rémi Dupré; André Evette; Damien Hémeray; Anders Mårell; Hilaire Martin; Stéphane Rodrigues; Marc Villar et al.
Source: check_circle

Growth, Xylem Vulnerability to Cavitation and Leaf Cell Response to Dehydration in Tree Seedlings of the Caribbean Dry Forest

2023-03-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Eléonore Mira; Hervé Cochard; André Evette; Maguy Dulormne
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Typologie des ripisylves des rivières de Guadeloupe, un premier pas vers le développement de techniques de génie végétal avec des espèces locales

Sciences Eaux & Territoires
2022-06-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Marie ROBERT; André EVETTE; Marc GAYOT; Lilian PROCOPIO; Jeffrey BERNUS; Alain ROUSTEAU; Daniel IMBERT; Lucie LABBOUZ
Source: check_circle

Nature-based solutions (NbS): A management paradigm shift in practitioners’ perspectives on riverbank soil bioengineering

Journal of Environmental Management
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Clémence Moreau; Marylise Cottet; Anne Rivière-Honegger; Adeline François; André Evette
Source: check_circle

The taxonomic structure but not the functioning of riparian herbaceous communities varies with hydrological conditions on a large, highly regulated river: Evidence from a 2‐year replicated study

2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Philippe Janssen; Hervé Piégay; André Evette
Source: check_circle

The Conservation and Restoration of Riparian Forests along Caribbean Riverbanks Using Legume Trees

2022-03 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Eléonore Mira; Alain Rousteau; Régis Tournebize; Lucie Labbouz; Marie Robert; André Evette
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Ecological succession and fine sediment accretion influence local patch dynamics of a pioneer riparian species (Typha minima Hoppe)

Freshwater Biology
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Nadège Popoff; Renaud Jaunatre; Caroline Le Bouteiller; Margot Trinquier; Yoan Paillet; André Evette
Source: check_circle

Review of Existing Knowledge and Practices of Tarping for the Control of Invasive Knotweeds

2021-10-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Marie-Anne Dusz; François-Marie Martin; Fanny Dommanget; Anne Petit; Caroline Dechaume-Moncharmont; André Evette
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Growth Response of Cuttings to Drought and Intermittent Flooding for Three Salix Species and Implications for Riverbank Soil Bioengineering

Environmental Management
2021-06-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Naren Keita; Bérenger Bourgeois; André Evette; Maxime Tisserant; Eduardo González; Vincent Breton; Charles Goulet; Monique Poulin
Source: check_circle

Higher structural connectivity and resistance against invasions of soil bioengineering over hard-engineering for riverbank stabilisation

Wetlands Ecology and Management
2021-02 | Journal article
Contributors: François-Marie Martin; Philippe Janssen; Laurent Bergès; Blandine Dupont; André Evette
Source: check_circle

The beaver’s menu: species and spatial selection of a European beaver population and implications for riverbank bioengineering

Wetlands Ecology and Management
2020-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Gabin Piton; Grégory Loucougaray; Nathan Daumergue; Vincent Breton; André Evette
Source: check_circle

Could knotweeds invade mountains in their introduced range? An analysis of patches dynamics along an elevational gradient

Alpine Botany
2019-04 | Journal article
Contributors: François-Marie Martin; Fanny Dommanget; Philippe Janssen; Thomas Spiegelberger; Clément Viguier; André Evette
Source: check_circle

Using Single- and Multi-Date UAV and Satellite Imagery to Accurately Monitor Invasive Knotweed Species

Remote Sensing
2018-10-20 | Journal article
Contributors: François-Marie Martin; Jana Müllerová; Laurent Borgniet; Fanny Dommanget; Vincent Breton; André Evette
Source: check_circle