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Dr. Hadi Hasanzadehshooiili holds a PhD in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of Guilan. He completed his first postdoctoral fellowship at Iran University of Science and Technology and his second at Université Laval, where he continues as a Research Professional. Additionally, he serves as a PostDoc at INRS. With more than 20 journal publications, his research focuses on constitutive modeling, computational geomechanics, and numerical modeling, tackling geotechnical complexities.
He serves as an Academic Editor at the Advances in Civil Engineering journal, Wiley (, and at Discover Civil Engineering, Springer Nature (
Main Research Interests:
Computational Geo-mechanics and Plasticity, Constitutive Modeling, Rock Mechanics, Coupled Multi-Phase Numerical Modeling, Tunnel Engineering, Computer Programming, Deep Foundations, Geotechnical Earthquake Eng., Soil Stabilization/Improvement, Experimental Characterization and Modeling of the Mechanical Behavior of Geomaterials (Static and Cyclic), Hollow Cylinder Cyclic Torsional Shear Testing on Granular Materials, Physical Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques and their application to the Geo-engineering and GEO-mechanics problems.