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Employment (3)

Institute of Molecular Biology: Bratislava, SK

1985 to present | Scientist, Head of the ressearch group, Head of the Department, Director of the Institute (Department of Biochemistry and Structural Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eva Kutejova

Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i.: Prague, CZ

2008 to 2016 | scientist, Head of research group: Research of Natural Substances: Structure and Function in the research program: Structural Biology and Protein Engineering
Source: Self-asserted source
Eva Kutejova

Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenius University: Bratislava, SK

1983 to 1985 | scientist (Department of Analytical Chemistry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eva Kutejova

Education and qualifications (2)

Chemical Technological Faculty, Slovak Technical University : Bratislava, SK

1976 to 1979 | CSc. (PhD.) (Department of Physical Chemistry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eva Kutejova

Chemical Technological Faculty, Slovak Technical University : Bratislava, SK

1971 to 1976 | Ing.
Source: Self-asserted source
Eva Kutejova

Funding (5)

The role of mitochondrial protease Lon and phosphorylation of mitochondrial nucleoid proteins in the homeostasis and maintenance of mtDNA

2023-01 to 2026-12 | Grant
Vedecká Grantová Agentúra MŠVVaŠ SR a SAV (Bratislava, SK)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eva Kutejova

Interaction between proteases, chaperones and kinases in stress condition cause by pathological conditions

2020-07 to 2024-06 | Grant
Slovak Research and Development Agency (Bratislava, SK)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eva Kutejova

Building learning and research capacities in the structure and functional analysis of biomolecules for the needs of biomedicine and biotechnology

2019-05 to 2022-11 | Grant
Interreg (Bratislava, SK)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eva Kutejova

Factors that influence mitochondrial nucleoid dynamics

2018-01 to 2021-12 | Grant
Vedecká Grantová Agentúra MŠVVaŠ SR a SAV (Bratislava, SK)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eva Kutejova

Post-translation modifications in mitochondria and their role in pathological processes

2016-07 to 2020-06 | Grant
Slovak Research and Development Agency (Bratislava, SK)
Source: Self-asserted source
Eva Kutejova