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Postdoctoral researcher (CAPES), PPGAV-UFPB / UFPE. Doctor in Social Anthropology (UNICAMP), Master, Licensed and graduated in Social Sciences / Anthropology (PUC-SP). He worked at the Education and Research Centers at the Afro Brasil Museum (SP) and at other research, art and culture institutions in the city of São Paulo. He was a teacher-trainer at the NGO Ação Educativa (SP), in the Project A Cor da Cultura (Canal Futura, RJ) and other continuing education projects for teachers from public and private schools, with activities in the fields of education for ethnic-racial relations and Afro-Brazilian culture, art and religiosity in school curricula. Areas of expertise and research: Anthropology, anthropology of Afro-Brazilian populations; African-based religions in Brazil; Afro-Brazilian art (black art; Afro-descendant art); religion, education and secularism in public schools; gender, identity, sexuality (religious aspects). Member of GPEAV - Research Line: Visual Culture and Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations, UFPB, Research Directory, CNPq.