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Pollen Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Food Chemistry; Phytochemistry; Polyacrylic Hydrogels; W


Dr Aleksandar Ž. Kostić is Associate professor at Chair of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, teaching in different Chemistry courses. His research area is focused on phytochemistry (with special emphasis on pollen chemistry and nutrition and bioactive compounds in plant materials), food chemistry, water chemistry, health risk assessment for human expressed through food and water consummation and polyacrylic hydrogels. Until now, he is author and co-author of more than sixty scientific papers in total (sixty two peer-reviewed articles and four book chapters), two university textbooks and two student handbooks. His articles have been cited more than 2000 times, h-index is 25 (Scopus). He is a reviewer for top International Journals such as Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Cleaner Production, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, Antioxidants, Biomolecules, Current Research in Food Science, Phytochemistry, Phytochemical Analysis, Food Chemistry, Food Hydrocolloids, Food Research International, Talanta, Foods, Frontiers in Nutrition, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Phytochemistry Reviews, Antibiotics, Biological Trace Elements Research, Separations, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Sustainability, Journal of Economic Entomology, CyTA- Journal of Food, Process Biochemistry, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, European Food Research and Technology, Journal of Functional Foods, Pharmaceuticals, Molecules, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Toxins, Polymers, Pharmaceutics, Nutrients, LWT-Food Science and Technology, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Food Control, Current Opinion in Food Science, Scientia Horticulturae, Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, Foods, Coatings, Agronomy, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Plants, International Journal of Environmental Health Research, Gels, Current Issues in Molecular Biology, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, Heliyon, Journal of Cereal Science, Applied Sciences, Journal of Food Biochemistry, PLOS One, Journal of King Saud University - Science, Life, Food Bioscience, Chemistry & Biodiversity, Horticulturae, ChemistrySelect, Journal of Apicultural Research, European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, International Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, Food Science & Nutrition, Journal of Apicultural Science, Grana, Natural Product Communications, Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, Phyton and Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan. Also, he contributes as a reviewer in several international scientific Journals- Environmental Advances, Food Chemistry Advance Current Research in Food Science, Environmental Challenges, Beverages, Scientia Pharmaceutica, Resources, Results in Chemistry, Natural Resources for Human Health, Oriental Journal of Chemistry, International Journal of Plant Based Pharmaceuticals, Annual Research & Review in Biology, Current Biotechnology, Current Nutrition & Food Science, Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology and Journal of Earth Sciences & Environmental Studies, Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, Acta Ecologica Sinica, Qeios, Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, Journal of Applied Life Sciences and Environment, African Journal of Food Science, Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, Current World Environment, Exploration of Foods and Foodomics, Measurement: Food, Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Slovak Journal of Animal Science, Chemistry Africa. He is acting as Associate Editor in Heliyon journal (IF=3.776) for Food & Nutrition section. He is a member of Reviewer board and act as Guest Editor in Biomolecules journal (IF= 4.6) and Phyton-International Journal for Experimental Botany (IF=1.039). Also, he is Guest Editor in Plants (MPDI, IF= 3.935) for season 2021-2022. In addition, he is a member of Editorial board in Chemistry & Biodiversity journal (IF=2.408), Natural Resources for Human Health journal as well as in domestic scientific Journal- Material Protection. He has been participated in six research national projects and one bilateral project about bee products with Slovenia. He is a member of Serbian Chemical Society, International Bee Research Association (IBRA), IHC (International Honey Commission) expertise group for pollen, COLOSS-Honey Bee Research Association, Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, Plant Protection Society of Serbia, Serbian Association of Food Technologists (SAFT), Serbian Nutrition Society and GHI for Serbia.


Employment (1)

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade: Belgrade, Zemun, RS

2021-06-24 to present | Associate professor (Chair of Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić

Education and qualifications (1)

Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade: Belgrade, RS

1997-10-01 to 2015-12-07 | Mr sci chem and PhD (Chair of Applied Chemistry; Chair of Analytical Chemistry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić

Professional activities (4)

Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA): Darmstadt , DE

Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić

International Bee Research Association: Bristol, GB

Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić

Honeybee Research Association (COLOSS): Bern, CH

Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić

Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE): Gent , BE

2023-04-17 to 2024-04-17 | Full (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić

Works (50 of 95)

Items per page:
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Goat’s Skim Milk Enriched with Agrocybe aegerita (V. Brig.) Vizzini Mushroom Extract: Optimization, Physico-Chemical Characterization, and Evaluation of Techno-Functional, Biological and Antimicrobial Properties

2025-03-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Danijel D. Milinčić; Ivana Sredović Ignjatović; Dejan Stojković; Jovana Petrović; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Jasmina Glamočlija; Ana Doroški Petković; Ana Plećić; Steva Lević; Vladislav Rac et al.
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Could Phenylamides Emerge as a Powerful Chemotaxonomic Tool? A Case Study of Rapeseed Bee‐Collected Pollen Originating From Serbia and Türkiye

Chemistry & Biodiversity
2025-03-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Duygu Nur Çobanoğlu; Danijel D. Milinčić; Ikranur Felek; Piroz Düzdaban; Mirjana B. Pešić
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The Bioaccessibility of Grape-Derived Phenolic Compounds: An Overview

2025-02 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Danijel Milinčić; Nemanja S. Stanisavljević; Milica M. Pešić; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Sladjana Stanojevic; Mirjana Pešić
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Influence of Habitat Factors on the Yield, Morphological Characteristics, and Total Phenolic/Flavonoid Content of Wild Garlic (Allium ursinum L.) in the Republic of Serbia

2025-01-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Stefan V. Gordanić; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Đorđe Moravčević; Sandra Vuković; Sofija Kilibarda; Ana Dragumilo; Željana Prijić; Milan Lukić; Tatjana Marković
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Enzyme Inhibitory, Physicochemical, and Phytochemical Properties and Botanical Sources of Honey, Bee Pollen, Bee Bread, and Propolis Obtained from the Same Apiary

2024-12 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: YUSUF CAN GERÇEK; Eda Dagsuyu; FATMA NUR BAŞTÜRK; Seran Kırkıncı; Nazlıcan Yıldırım; Gamze Kıskanç; Bahar Özmener; Yigit Sabri Unlu; Seda Nur Kalkan; Kadir Boztaş et al.
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Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

Goat’s Milk Powder Enriched with Red (<i>Lycium barbarum</i> L.) and Black (<i>Lycium ruthenicum</i> Murray) Goji Berry Extracts: Chemical Characterization, Antioxidant Properties, and Prebiotic Activity

2024-12 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Danijel Milinčić; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Steva Levic; Uroš Gašić; Dragana Bozic; Relja Suručić; Tijana D. Ilić; Viktor A. Nedović; Bojana Vidovic; Mirjana Pešić
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Conventional vs. Organically Produced Honey—Are There Differences in Physicochemical, Nutritional and Sensory Characteristics?

2024-11 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Sladjana Stanojevic; Danijel Milinčić; Nataša Smiljanić; Mirjana Pešić; Nebojša M. Nedić; Stefan Kolašinac; Biljana Dojčinović; Zora Dajić-Stevanović; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Diversity and Chemical Characterization of Apple (<i>Malus</i> sp.) Pollen: High Antioxidant and Nutritional Values for Both Humans and Insects

2024-11 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: MIlica Fotiric Aksic; Mirjana Pešić; Ilinka Pecinar; Aleksandra Kosović Dramićanin; Danijel Milinčić; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Uroš Gašić; Mihajlo V. Jakanovski; Marko Kitanovic; Mekjell Meland
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Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Comparative Chemical Analysis and Bioactive Properties of Aqueous and Glucan-Rich Extracts of Three Widely Appreciated Mushrooms: Agaricus bisporus (J.E.Lange) Imbach, Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.) Murill and Agrocybe aegerita (V. Brig.) Vizzini

2024-08-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Jovana Petrović; Jasmina Glamočlija; Danijel D. Milinčić; Ana Doroški; Steva Lević; Slađana P. Stanojević; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Dušanka A. Popović Minić; Bojana B. Vidović; Ana Plećić et al.
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Exploring the Botanical Origins of Bee‐Collected Pollen: A Comprehensive Historical and Contemporary Analysis

Chemistry & Biodiversity
2024-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Aleksandra M. Dramićanin; Danijel D. Milinčić; Mirjana B. Pešić
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Front Cover: Unlocking Quercetin's Neuroprotective Potential: A Focus on Bee‐Collected Pollen (Chem. Biodiversity 6/2024)

Chemistry & Biodiversity
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Dılhun Keriman Arserim‐Uçar; Małgorzata Materska; Barbara Sawicka; Dominika Skiba; Danijel D. Milinčić; Mirjana B. Pešić; Piotr Pszczółkowski; Donya Moradi; Parisa Ziarati et al.
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Unlocking Quercetin's Neuroprotective Potential: A Focus on Bee‐Collected Pollen

Chemistry & Biodiversity
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Dılhun Keriman Arserim‐Uçar; Małgorzata Materska; Barbara Sawicka; Dominika Skiba; Danijel D. Milinčić; Mirjana B. Pešić; Piotr Pszczółkowski; Donya Moradi; Parisa Ziarati et al.
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Broccoli, Amaranth, and Red Beet Microgreen Juices: The Influence of Cold-Pressing on the Phytochemical Composition and the Antioxidant and Sensory Properties

2024-02-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Spasoje D. Belošević; Danijel D. Milinčić; Uroš M. Gašić; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Ana S. Salević-Jelić; Jovana M. Marković; Verica B. Đorđević; Steva M. Lević; Mirjana B. Pešić; Viktor A. Nedović
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Grape Seed Powders as a Source of Phenolic Compounds: UHPLC Orbitrap MS4 Characterization

2024-02-27 | Conference paper
Contributors: Danijel D. Milinčić; Uroš Gašić; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Slađana P. Stanojević; Živoslav Lj. Tešić; Mirjana B. Pešić
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Clove and nutmeg spices as sources of antioxidants

Hrana i ishrana
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Sandra Vuković; Sofija Kilibarda; Aleksandar Kostić, Z.
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A detailed survey of agroecological status of Allium ursinum across the republic of Serbia: Mineral composition and bioaccumulation potential

2023-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Stefan V. Gordanić; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Đurđa Krstić; Sandra Vuković; Sofija Kilibarda; Tatjana Marković; Đorđe Moravčević
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Spatial distribution of major and trace elements in artificial lakes in Serbia: health risk indices and suitability of water for drinking and irrigation purposes

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
2023-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Goran Marković; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Nebojša Đ. Pantelić; Radojka Maletić; Jana Štrbački; Jovan Cakić; Lazar Kaluđerović; Biljana P. Dojčinović; Angelo Maria Giuffrè; Jelena B. Popović-Djordjević
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Monofloral Corn Poppy Bee-Collected Pollen—A Detailed Insight into Its Phytochemical Composition and Antioxidant Properties

2023-07 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Danijel Milinčić; Bojana Špirović Trifunović; Nebojša Nedić; Uroš Gašić; Zivoslav Tesic; Sladjana Stanojevic; Mirjana Pešić
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Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Okara-Enriched Gluten-Free Bread: Nutritional, Antioxidant and Sensory Properties

2023-05 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Mirjana Pešić; Milica M. Pešić; Jelena Bezbradica; Anđela B. Stanojević; Petra Ivković; Danijel D. Milinčić; Mirjana Demin; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Biljana Dojčinović; Sladjana Stanojevic
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Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Allium Species in the Balkan Region—Major Metabolites, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties

2023-03-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Sandra Vuković; Jelena B. Popović-Djordjević; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Nebojša Dj. Pantelić; Nikola Srećković; Muhammad Akram; Umme Laila; Jelena S. Katanić Stanković
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The Utilization of Bee Products as a Holistic Approach to Managing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome-Related Infertility

2023-02 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Ahmad Ali; Additiya Paramanya; Payal Poojari; Damla Arslan-Acaroz; Ulas Acaroz; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić
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Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Elemental Profile, General Phytochemical Composition and Bioaccumulation Abilities of Selected <i>Allium</i> Species Biofortified with Selenium under Open Field Conditions

2023-01 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Sandra Vuković; Djordje Moravčević; Jelica Gvozdanović-Varga; Biljana Dojčinović; Ana Vujošević; Ilinka Pecinar; Sofija Kilibarda; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić
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Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Composition of proteins in fresh whey as waste in tofu processing

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B
2023-01-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Sladjana P. Stanojević; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Danijel D. Milinčić; Andjela B. Stanojević; Mirjana B. Pešić
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Bee pollen in cosmetics: The chemical point of view

2022 | Book chapter
Contributors: Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Danijel D. Milinčić; Živoslav Lj. Tešić; Mirjana B. Pešić
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Influence of type of production on the contents of selected nutrients/phytochemicals in buckwheat grains

Acta agriculturae Serbica
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Jelena Golijan-Pantović; Stefan Gordanić; Danijel Milinčić, D.; Slavoljub Lekić, S.; Aleksandar Kostić, Ž.
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Multi-elemental analysis of real water samples from the Požega area, Serbia

Zastita materijala
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Nebojša Pantelić, Đ.; Jana Štrbački; Ivana Maloparac; Nikola Tomašević; Biljana Dojčinović, P.; Aleksandar Kostić, Ž.
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Polyphenolic Profile, Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Potential of Medlar (Mespilus germanica L.), Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa L.) and Common Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.) Fruit Extracts from Serbia

2022-11-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Jelena S. Katanić Stanković; Nenad Mićanović; Nadja Grozdanić; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Uroš Gašić; Tatjana Stanojković; Jelena B. Popović-Djordjević
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Bioaccessibility of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Properties of Goat-Milk Powder Fortified with Grape-Pomace-Seed Extract after In Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion

2022-10 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Danijel Milinčić; Nemanja S. Stanisavljević; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Uroš Gašić; Sladjana Stanojevic; Živoslav Lj. Tešić; Mirjana Pešić
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Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Nutritional behavior and motives of college students for the choice of traditional food in the Republic of Serbia

2022-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Slađana P. Stanojević; Milica M. Pešić; Danijel D. Milinčić; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Mirjana B. Pešić
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Comprehensive electrophoretic profiling of proteins as a powerful tool for authenticity assessment of seeds of cultivated berry fruits

Food Chemistry
2022-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0308-8146
Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić

Micro/trace/toxic elements and insecticide residues level in monofloral bee-collected sunflower pollen- health risk assessment

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B
2022-07-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Biljana Dojčinović; Bojana Špirović Trifunović; Danijel D. Milinčić; Nebojša Nedić; Sladjana Stanojević; Mirjana Pešić
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Hieracium waldsteinii (Asteraceae) and Onosma stellulata (Boraginaceae) as a Source of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Agents

Chemistry & Biodiversity
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Marina P. Mačukanović‐Jocić; Danijel D. Milinčić; Jovana D. Petrović; Uroš M. Gašić; Nevenka N. Gligorijević; Snežana V. Jarić; Marina D. Soković; Živoslav Lj. Tešić; Mirjana B. Pešić
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Natural products and synthetic analogues against HIV: A perspective to develop new potential anti-HIV drugs

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
2022-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0223-5234
Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić

Raman Spectroscopy as a Useful Tool for Tentative Identification of Nutritional Ingredients and Distinction of Allium Species

2022-04-15 | Conference paper
Contributors: Sandra Vuković; Đorđe Moravčević; Jelica Gvozdanović-Varga; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Ana Vujošević; Sofija Kilibarda; Ilinka Pećinar
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Health Benefits and Applications of Goji Berries in Functional Food Products Development: A Review

2022-01 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Bojana B. Vidović; Danijel Milinčić; Mirjana D. Marčetić; Jelena D. Djuriš; Tijana D. Ilić; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Mirjana Pešić
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Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Antioxidant activities of bioactive compounds and various extracts obtained from saffron

2021 | Other
Contributors: Jelena B. Popović-Djordjević; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Mustafa Kiralan
Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić via Crossref Metadata Search

Carotenoids: New Applications of “Old” Pigments

2021 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1851-5657
Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić

Use of energy drinks and their impact on the body based on the view of student population

Hrana i ishrana
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Anđelka Milović, M.; Mirjana Pešić, B.; Aleksandar Kostić, Z.; Slađana Stanojević, P.
Source: check_circle

Bee pollen powder as a functional ingredient in frankfurters

Meat Science
2021-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0309-1740
Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić

Phytochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Athamanta turbith (L.) Brot Collected from Serbia

2021-11-30 | Conference paper
Contributors: Sofija N. Kilibarda; Sandra Z. Vuković; Danijel D. Milinčić; Marina P. Mačukanović-Jocić; Snežana Jarić; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić
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Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Properties of Field-Grown and In Vitro Leaves, and Calluses in Blackberry and Blueberry

2021-10-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Tijana Kolarević; Danijel D. Milinčić; Tatjana Vujović; Uroš M. Gašić; Ljiljana Prokić; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Radosav Cerović; Sladjana P. Stanojevic; Živoslav Lj. Tešić; Mirjana B. Pešić
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Pike-perch larvae growth in response to administration of lactobacilli-enriched inert feed during first feeding

2021-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0044-8486
Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić

Standard methods for pollen research

Journal of Apicultural Research
2021-08-08 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0021-8839
Part of ISSN: 2078-6913
Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić

Phytochemical Profile and Antioxidant Properties of Bee-Collected Artichoke (<i>Cynara scolymus</i>) Pollen

2021-07 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Danijel D. Milinčić; Nebojša Nedić; Uroš Gašić; Bojana Špirović Trifunović; Denis Vojt; Živoslav Lj. Tešić; Mirjana Pešić
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Polyphenol bioaccessibility and antioxidant properties of in vitro digested spray-dried thermally-treated skimmed goat milk enriched with pollen

Food Chemistry
2021-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0308-8146
Contributors: Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Danijel D. Milinčić; Nemanja S. Stanisavljević; Uroš M. Gašić; Steva Lević; Milan O. Kojić; Živoslav Lj. Tešić; Viktor Nedović; Miroljub B. Barać; Mirjana B. Pešić
Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić via Crossref Metadata Search

Techno-functional, textural and sensorial properties of frankfurters as affected by the addition of bee pollen powder

Theory and practice of meat processing
2021-07-29 | Journal article
Contributors: S. M. Novakovic; I. V. Djekic; M. B. Pesic; A. Z. Kostic; D. D. Milincic; I. В. Tomasevic
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Skimmed Goat’s Milk Powder Enriched with Grape Pomace Seed Extract: Phenolics and Protein Characterization and Antioxidant Properties

2021-06-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Danijel D. Milinčić; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Uroš M. Gašić; Steva Lević; Slađana P. Stanojević; Miroljub B. Barać; Živoslav Lj. Tešić; Viktor Nedović; Mirjana B. Pešić
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Phenolic and free amino acid profiles of bee bread and bee pollen with the same botanical origin – similarities and differences

Arabian Journal of Chemistry
2021-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1878-5352
Contributors: Nesrin Ecem Bayram; Yusuf Can Gercek; Saffet Çelik; Nazlı Mayda; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Aleksandra M. Dramićanin; Aslı Özkök
Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić via Crossref Metadata Search

Phenolic compounds and biopotential of grape pomace extracts from Prokupac red grape variety

2021-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0023-6438
Source: Self-asserted source
Aleksandar Ž. Kostić

Trypsin inhibitor content and activity of soaking water whey as waste in soy milk processing

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B
2021-03-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Sladjana P. Stanojevic; Miroljub B. Barać; Aleksandar Ž. Kostić; Mirjana B. Pešić
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Peer review (1258 reviews for 149 publications/grants)

Review activity for ["Φυτον.","Phyton."] (4)
Review activity for ACS omega. (1)
Review activity for Acta Alimentaria : (2)
Review activity for Acta ecologica Sinica. (2)
Review activity for Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. (1)
Review activity for African journal of food science. (2)
Review activity for Agronomy. (2)
Review activity for Animals. (3)
Review activity for Antibiotics. (2)
Review activity for Antioxidants. (2)
Review activity for Applied sciences. (36)
Review activity for Beverages. (5)
Review activity for Biological trace element research. (2)
Review activity for Biomass conversion and biorefinery. (1)
Review activity for Biomass. (2)
Review activity for Biomedical and environmental sciences. (2)
Review activity for Biomolecules. (22)
Review activity for Biotechnology advances. (1)
Review activity for Biotechnology advances. (1)
Review activity for Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (1)
Review activity for Case studies in chemical and environmental engineering. (1)
Review activity for Chemical papers. (11)
Review activity for Chemické zvesti. (7)
Review activity for Chemistry (1)
Review activity for Chemistry & biodiversity. (214)
Review activity for Chemistry Africa. (2)
Review activity for Chemistry Africa. (2)
Review activity for ChemistrySelect (5)
Review activity for Coatings. (2)
Review activity for Critical reviews in food science & nutrition. (1)
Review activity for Current biotechnology. (4)
Review activity for Current issues in molecular biology. (1)
Review activity for Current issues in molecular biology. (1)
Review activity for Current journal of applied science and technology. (1)
Review activity for Current opinion in biotechnology. (1)
Review activity for Current opinion in food science. (1)
Review activity for Current research in food science. (4)
Review activity for Current world environment. (1)
Review activity for CyTA: journal of food. (3)
Review activity for Ecotoxicology and environmental safety (1)
Review activity for Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. (1)
Review activity for eFood. (2)
Review activity for Emirates journal of food and agriculture. (4)
Review activity for Environmental advances. (1)
Review activity for Environmental challenges. (1)
Review activity for Environmental science and pollution research international (2)
Review activity for Environmental science and pollution research international (8)
Review activity for European food research & technology. (2)
Review activity for European journal of lipid science and technology. (2)
Review activity for Food and humanity. (10)
Review activity for Food bioscience. (9)
Review activity for Food bioscience. (54)
Review activity for Food chemistry advances. (14)
Review activity for Food chemistry. (7)
Review activity for Food chemistry. (37)
Review activity for Food control. (2)
Review activity for Food control. (2)
Review activity for Food frontiers (2)
Review activity for Food hydrocolloids for health. (4)
Review activity for Food hydrocolloids. (2)
Review activity for Food research international. (3)
Review activity for Food research international. (10)
Review activity for Food science & nutrition. (2)
Review activity for Foods. (37)
Review activity for Frontiers in nutrition. (2)
Review activity for Frontiers in pharmacology. (2)
Review activity for Gels. (7)
Review activity for German journal of pharmaceuticals and biomaterials. (1)
Review activity for Grana. (2)
Review activity for Heliyon. (94)
Review activity for Horticulturae. (16)
Review activity for Innovative food science & emerging technologies (1)
Review activity for Innovative food science and emerging technologies. (1)
Review activity for International dairy journal. (1)
Review activity for International journal of analytical chemistry. (2)
Review activity for International journal of environmental health research. (2)
Review activity for International journal of molecular sciences. (8)
Review activity for International journal of plant based pharmaceuticals. (1)
Review activity for Journal of advances in medical and pharmaceutical sciences. (1)
Review activity for Journal of agricultural science and technology. (1)
Review activity for Journal of agriculture and ecology research international. (1)
Review activity for Journal of apicultural research. (12)
Review activity for Journal of Apicultural Science. (2)
Review activity for Journal of Applied Life Sciences and Environment. (1)
Review activity for Journal of applied pharmaceutical science. (17)
Review activity for Journal of cereal science. (2)
Review activity for Journal of cereal science. (4)
Review activity for Journal of cleaner production. (1)
Review activity for Journal of cleaner production. (7)
Review activity for Journal of economic entomology. (1)
Review activity for Journal of essential oil-bearing plants (2)
Review activity for Journal of ethnopharmacology. (1)
Review activity for Journal of food and nutrition research. (1)
Review activity for Journal of food and nutrition research. (1)
Review activity for Journal of food biochemistry. (2)
Review activity for Journal of food composition and analysis. (13)
Review activity for Journal of food composition and analysis. (40)
Review activity for Journal of food measurement and characterization. (37)
Review activity for Journal of Food Science and Technology. (6)
Review activity for Journal of food science and technology. (9)
Review activity for Journal of functional foods. (6)
Review activity for Journal of King Saud University. (2)
Review activity for Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. (1)
Review activity for Journal of the science of food and agriculture. (8)
Review activity for Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society. (4)
Review activity for Journal of trace elements and minerals. (23)
Review activity for Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology. (2)
Review activity for Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + [i.e. und] Technologie. (43)
Review activity for Life. (3)
Review activity for Marine pollution bulletin. (1)
Review activity for Materials. (3)
Review activity for Measurement. (5)
Review activity for Molecules. (107)
Review activity for Natural Resources for Human Health. (10)
Review activity for Notulae botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. (1)
Review activity for Nutrients. (3)
Review activity for Pharmaceuticals. (6)
Review activity for Pharmaceutics. (14)
Review activity for Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants. (4)
Review activity for Physiology and molecular biology of plants. (6)
Review activity for Phytochemical analysis. (2)
Review activity for Phytochemistry reviews. (3)
Review activity for Phytochemistry reviews. (3)
Review activity for Phytochemistry. (1)
Review activity for Phytotherapy research. (1)
Review activity for Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology. (1)
Review activity for Plant physiology and biochemistry. (5)
Review activity for Plants. (38)
Review activity for PloS one. (3)
Review activity for Polymers. (24)
Review activity for Process biochemistry. (1)
Review activity for Processes. (2)
Review activity for Qeios. (1)
Review activity for Quality assurance and safety of crops & foods. (2)
Review activity for Resources. (2)
Review activity for Results in chemistry. (4)
Review activity for Scientia horticulturae. (3)
Review activity for Scientia pharmaceutica. (3)
Review activity for Separations. (3)
Review activity for Slovak journal of animal science. (1)
Review activity for South African journal of botany. (2)
Review activity for Starch. (1)
Review activity for Sustainability. (8)
Review activity for Talanta. (1)
Review activity for Toxins. (6)
Review activity for TrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry. (2)
Review activity for Trends in food science & technology. (2)
Review activity for Trends in food science & technology. (2)
Review activity for Vegetos - International journal of plant research. (1)