Personal information


Employment (1)

University of Wisconsin-Madison: Madison, WI, US

2020-08 to present | Assistant Professor (Engineering Physics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Education and qualifications (2)

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, GB

2011-09 to 2014-09 | PhD (Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, GB

2007-10 to 2011-07 | MA MEng (Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Works (50 of 193)

Items per page:
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Dynamic modelling of flexible dispatch in a novel nuclear-solar integrated energy system with thermal energy storage

Annals of Nuclear Energy
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Rigby, Aidan; Wagner, Michael J; Lindley, Ben
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Generation and validation of comprehensive synthetic weather histories using auto-regressive moving-average models

Renewable Energy
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Rigby, Aidan; Baker, Una; Lindley, Benjamin; Wagner, Michael
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Generic Sodium-Potassium-Cooled Thermal Microreactor Reference Design with Sizing-Burnup Tradeoff Study

2024 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP)
2024 | Conference paper
Contributors: Garcia, Samuel; Bays, Samuel; Lindley, Ben
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Irregular, Backward-Compatible PWR Assembles with More Pins to Facilitate Uprates

Nuclear Technology
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Lindley, Ben
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Locational Variance in Nuclear Microreactor Performance Under Net Zero Microgrid Conditions

Nuclear Science and Engineering
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Dailey, Ryan; Lindley, Ben
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Optimized dispatch and component sizing for a nuclear-multi-effect distillation integrated energy system using thermal energy storage

Optimization and Engineering
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Keith, Elizabeth; Lindley, Ben; Wagner, Michael J
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Options for Achieving Cost Reduction in Advanced Reactors Through Open Architecture

2024 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP)
2024 | Conference paper
Contributors: Lindley, Ben; Lamb, Daniel; Prado, Ian; Roulstone, Tony; Becker, Tracy; Guaita, Nahuel; Qin, Sunming; Foss, Andrew Wilkin
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Performance analysis of integrated Nuclear-Solar Energy system sharing same molten salt thermal energy storage

Progress in Nuclear Energy
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Soto, GJ; Wagner, MJ; Neises, TW; Lindley, BA
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Physics Constrained Reinforcement Learning for Improved Control of Transient Maneuvers in Nuclear Power Plants

2024 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP)
2024 | Conference paper
Contributors: Rigby, Aidan; Wagner, Michael; Mikkelson, Daniel; Lindley, Ben
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Prospects for a high-field, compact break-even axisymmetric mirror (BEAM) and applications

Journal of Plasma Physics
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Forest, CB; Anderson, JK; Endrizzi, D; Egedal, J; Frank, S; Furlong, K; Ialovega, M; Kirch, J; Harvey, RW; Lindley, B et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Reproducible benchmark for the SNAP 8 experimental reactor at dry conditions

Annals of Nuclear Energy
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Garcia, Samuel; Naupa, Isaac; Paleen, Oliver; Fowler, Ethan; Boyd, Anthony; Kotlyar, Dan; Lindley, Ben
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Research Highlight-Dispatch Optimization, System Design and Cost Benefit Analysis of a Nuclear Reactor with Molten Salt Thermal Storage

2024 | Report
Contributors: Soto Gonzalez, Gabriel Jose; Lindley, Ben; Neises, Ty; Stansbury, Cory; Wagner, Michael J
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Safety Analysis of Chromium-Coated Accident-Tolerant Fuels with Increased Enrichment and Extended Burnup [Slides]

2024 | Report
Contributors: Allaf, Mohammad Amer; Whitmeyer, Abe; Duarte, Juliana Pacheco; Lindley, Ben
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Simulation of the NuScale SMR and Investigation of the Effect of Load-following on Component Lifetimes

Nuclear Technology
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Baker, Una; Garrouste, Marisol; Choi, Sooyoung; Soto, Gabriel J; Snuggerud, Ross; Kochunas, Brendan; Lindley, Ben
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Siting Analysis of a Solar-Nuclear-Desalination Integrated Energy System

Journal of Nuclear Engineering
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Raymond, Christopher; Omitaomu, Olufemi A; Franzese, Kenneth; Wagner, Michael J; Lindley, Ben
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Source term analysis of FeCrAl accident tolerant fuel using MELCOR

Annals of Nuclear Energy
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Baker, Una; Choi, Yong-Joon; Rollins, Nicholas; Nguyen, Khang; Jung, WooHyun; Whitmeyer, Abe; Hou, Jason; Lindley, Ben
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Co-optimization of nuclear reactor flexible power operation and maintenance scheduling

2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Aidan Rigby; Saeed Alhadhrami; Ben Lindley
Source: check_circle

Dynamic modelling of flexible dispatch in a novel nuclear-solar integrated energy system with thermal energy storage

Annals of Nuclear Energy
2024-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Aidan Rigby; Michael J Wagner; Ben Lindley
Source: check_circle

Siting Analysis of a Solar-Nuclear-Desalination Integrated Energy System

Journal of Nuclear Engineering
2024-09-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Christopher Raymond; Olufemi A. Omitaomu; Kenneth Franzese; Michael J. Wagner; Ben Lindley
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Locational Variance in Nuclear Microreactor Performance Under Net Zero Microgrid Conditions

Nuclear Science and Engineering
2024-08-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Ryan Dailey; Ben Lindley
Source: check_circle

Irregular, Backward-Compatible PWR Assembles with More Pins to Facilitate Uprates

Nuclear Technology
2024-08-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Ben Lindley
Source: check_circle

Generation and validation of comprehensive synthetic weather histories using auto-regressive moving-average models

Renewable Energy
2024-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Aidan Rigby; Una Baker; Benjamin Lindley; Michael Wagner
Source: check_circle

Reproducible benchmark for the SNAP 8 experimental reactor at dry conditions

Annals of Nuclear Energy
2024-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Samuel Garcia; Isaac Naupa; Oliver Paleen; Ethan Fowler; Anthony Boyd; Dan Kotlyar; Ben Lindley
Source: check_circle

Thermodynamic Modeling of a Supercritical Steam Rankine Cycle for an Integrated CSP-Nuclear System

SolarPACES Conference Proceedings
2024-02-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Brian T. White; Ben Lindley; Toby Raza; Michael Wagner
Source: check_circle

Thermodynamic Modeling of a Supercritical Steam Rankine Cycle for an Integrated CSP-Nuclear System

SolarPACES Conference Proceedings
2024-02-02 | Journal article | Author

Part of ISSN: 2751-9899
Contributors: Brian T. White; Ben Lindley; Toby Raza; Michael Wagner
Source: check_circle
TIB Open Publishing

Simulation of the NuScale SMR and Investigation of the Effect of Load-Following on Component Lifetimes

Nuclear Technology
2024-01-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Una Baker; Marisol Garrouste; Sooyoung Choi; Gabriel J. Soto; Ross Snuggerud; Brendan Kochunas; Ben Lindley
Source: check_circle

A review of nuclear electric fission space reactor technologies for achieving high-power output and operating with HALEU fuel

Progress in Nuclear Energy
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Peakman, Aiden; Lindley, Ben
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

An exergy based assessment of the efficiency of nuclear fuel cycles

2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Rigby, Aidan; Lindley, Ben; Cullen, Jonathan
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Analysis of Accident Tolerant Fuel Design in Light Water Reactors

Transactions of the American Nuclear Society
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Baker, Una; Lindley, Ben; Nguyen, Khang; Hou, Jason; Choi, Yong Joon
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Can fusion energy be cost-competitive and commercially viable? An analysis of magnetically confined reactors

Energy Policy
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Lindley, Ben; Roulstone, Tony; Locatelli, Giorgio; Rooney, Matt
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Dispatch analysis of flexible power operation with multi-unit small modular reactors

2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Alhadhrami, Saeed; Soto, Gabriel J; Lindley, Ben
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Impact of Thermal-Hydraulic Feedback and Differential Thermal Expansion on European Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Core Power Distribution

Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Lindley, Ben; Álvarez Velarde, Francisco; Baker, Una; Bodi, Janos; Cosgrove, Paul; Charles, Alan; Fiorina, Carlo; Fridman, Emil; Krepel, Jiri; Lavarenne, Jean et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Initial Neutronics Investigation of a Chlorine Salt--Based Breeder Blanket

Fusion Science and Technology
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Bohm, Tim D; Lindley, Ben A
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Ranking of nuclear data contributions to uncertainties in core physics parameters

Annals of Nuclear Energy
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Lindley, BA; Hosking, JG; Fry, T; Smith, PN
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Scoping studies for a lead-lithium-cooled, minor-actinide-burning, fission-fusion hybrid reactor design

Nuclear Science and Engineering
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Ruegsegger, Joshua; Moreno, Connor; Nyberg, Matthew; Bohm, Tim; Wilson, Paul PH; Lindley, Ben
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Small Modular Reactor Condensate and Feedwater System Maintenance Methods by Utilizing Event Modeling Risk Assessment using Linked Diagram

13th Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control and Human-Machine Interface Technologies, NPIC and HMIT 2023
2023 | Conference paper
Contributors: Alhadhrami, Saeed; Prescott, Steven; Agarwal, Vivek; Lindley, Ben
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Transient Modelling of HTGR Thermal Load Follow in Modelica

2023 | Report
Contributors: Rigby, Aidan; Lidley, Ben; Mikkelson, Daniel Mark
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Verification of the Serpent-Griffin Workflow using the SNAP 8 Experimental Reactor

2023 | Report
Contributors: Aguirre, Isaac Naupa; Garcia, Sam; Lindley, Ben; Terlizzi, Stefano; Abou Jaoude, Abdalla; Kotlyar, Dan
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Ranking of nuclear data contributions to uncertainties in core physics parameters

Annals of Nuclear Energy
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: B.A. Lindley; J.G. Hosking; T. Fry; P.N. Smith
Source: check_circle

Dispatch analysis of flexible power operation with multi-unit small modular reactors

2023-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Saeed Alhadhrami; Gabriel J Soto; Ben Lindley
Source: check_circle

A review of nuclear electric fission space reactor technologies for achieving high-power output and operating with HALEU fuel

Progress in Nuclear Energy
2023-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0149-1970
Contributors: Aiden Peakman; Ben Lindley
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Can fusion energy be cost-competitive and commercially viable? An analysis of magnetically confined reactors

Energy Policy
2023-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Ben Lindley; Tony Roulstone; Giorgio Locatelli; Matt Rooney
Source: check_circle

An exergy based assessment of the efficiency of nuclear fuel cycles

2023-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Aidan Rigby; Ben Lindley; Jonathan Cullen
Source: check_circle

Initial Neutronics Investigation of a Chlorine Salt-Based Breeder Blanket

Fusion Science and Technology
2023-01-26 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1536-1055
Part of ISSN: 1943-7641
Contributors: Tim Bohm; Ben A. Lindley
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Scoping Studies for a Lead-Lithium-Cooled, Minor-Actinide-Burning, Fission-Fusion Hybrid Reactor Design

Nuclear Science and Engineering
2023-01-24 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0029-5639
Part of ISSN: 1943-748X
Contributors: Joshua Ruegsegger; Connor Moreno; Matthew Nyberg; Tim Bohm; Paul P. H. Wilson; Ben Lindley
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Burn-up dependent modeling of fuel-to-clad gap conductance and temperature predictions for mixed-oxide fuel in the esfr-smart core

Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Lavarenne, Jean; Bubelis, Evaldas; Davies, Una; Gianfelici, Simone; Gicquel, Solène; Krepel, Jiri; Lainet, Marc; Lindley, Ben; Mikityuk, Konstantin; Murphy, Christophe et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Coupled neutronic-thermal-hydraulic simulations of the European SFR core

2022 | Report
Contributors: Lindley, B; Alvarez Velarde, F; Bodi, J; Krepel, J; Mikityuk, K; Ponomarev, A; Charles, A; Lavarenne, J; Tollit, B; Fridman, E et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Development of a high-fidelity multi-cycle model of the NuScale small modular reactor using VERA

2022 | Report
Contributors: Baker, Una; Soto, GJ; Lindley, B; Garrouste, M; Choi, Sooyoung; Kochunas, Brendan
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Dispatch optimization, system design and cost benefit analysis of a nuclear reactor with molten salt thermal storage

2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Soto, Gabriel J; Lindley, Ben; Neises, Ty; Stansbury, Cory; Wagner, Michael J
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley

Economic Dispatch Optimization of Multi-Unit SMR Site

2022 | Report
Contributors: Alhadrami, Saeed; Soto Gonzalez, Gabriel Jose; Lindley, Ben
Source: Self-asserted source
Ben Lindley
Items per page:
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