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Since my MSc in Geology at the University of Padova (2008), I focused on alluvial plains, applying a wide range of approaches.
During my MSc, I worked on the Holocene evolution of the plain W of Padova with a stratigraphic perspective, tied up with remote sensing analysis and interpretation of historical maps. I performed geological surveys, manual corings and sediment analysis; thus being eligible for a scholarship founded by the CARG national project during which I further improved these skills.
My PhD (2009-2012) considered the Venetian Plain; besides the already mentioned techniques, my research focused on sequence stratigraphy and Quaternary datings methods. In particular, I increased my understanding in 14C, radionuclides and OSL dating techniques, in addition to stratigraphic cross-correlation and relative datings and to the application of biologic markers (i.e. diatoms) to the evolution of the environment.
I collaborated with the CNR-ISMAR (Marine Sciences) of Bologna joining 3 scientific cruises in 2009, 2012 and 2014, acquiring and interpreting geophysical data and stratigraphic cores in N Adriatic. These experiences tested and improved my teamwork skills in an international and very stressful environment.
My postdoc research is additional proof of successful team working, especially because it involved people from different scientific fields (i.e. archaeologists and historians). I achieved an exhaustive knowledge of the geological and archaeological databases of NE Italy and the chance to individuate Holocene periods of enhanced flooding activity in the area. Similarly, the collaboration for the ExoMars2018 project gave me the possibility to work in a very innovative research field and to consider unconventional scenarios, as well as experience team working with international partners.
In the last few years, I focused on geological mapping, with the GeoCGT project for the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, in Italy.
Most of the projects required to work autonomously, with periodic checks by supervisors. Results are published in peer-reviewed international journals or are currently submitted/in preparation and have been presented to the academic community in many conferences.