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Employment (4)

University College London: London, GB

2023-10-01 to present | Research Fellow in Micropalaeontology (Department of Earth Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan

Cardiff University: Cardiff, Wales, GB

2021-05-06 to 2023-09-30 | Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan

Universidad de Salamanca: Salamanca, Castilla y León, ES

2019-06-01 to 2021-04-30 | Postdoctoral Investigator (Department of Geosciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan

Universität Bremen: Bremen, DE

2014-11-01 to 2018-01-31 | Research Scientist/ PhD Student (MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan

Education and qualifications (2)

Universität Bremen: Bremen, Bremen, DE

2014 to 2017 | PhD in Geosciences (Department of Geosciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan

University of the Philippines Diliman: Quezon City, PH

2013 | MS Geology (National Institute of Geological Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan

Works (34)

Evolving disaster resilience in the Philippines: Insights from the 2021 and 2023 World Risk Poll on socio-economic, regional, and systemic factors

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
2025-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Reina Mae B. Chong; Deborah N. Tangunan; Dexter M. Toyado; Aljon Francis Koji Elegado
Source: check_circle

Multivariate evaluation rubric for assessing the reliability of Cretaceous nannofossil index taxa and bioevents.

Journal of Nannoplankton Research
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: D. Tangunan; P. Bown; M. Hampton; T. Fogerty; A. Gale; R. Twitchett; C. Underwood; J. Witts; L. Gallagher
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Southern Ocean and Southern African Monsoon Forcing of the Subtropical Indian Ocean Early Pliocene “Biogenic Bloom”

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
2024-12 | Journal article
Contributors: D. N. Tangunan; J. A. Flores; L. J. LeVay; F. J. Jimenez‐Espejo; J. J. Coenen; M. A. Berke; A. Q. de Azevedo; M. A. Fuertes; J. Gruetzner; A. Starr et al.
Source: check_circle

PlioVAR to PlioMioVAR – a treasure trove to constrain future warmer climate

Past Global Changes Magazine
2024-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2411-9180
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Climate shifts during the Dark Ages and medieval Warm Period 

Past Global Changes Horizons
2024-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2788-5666
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Recommended centrifuge method: Specific grain size separation in the <63 µm fraction of marine sediments

2024-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2215-0161
Contributors: Ellie J Pryor; D. Tangunan; H.J.L. van der Lubbe; M.H. Simon; I.R. Hall
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Orbital Forcing and Evolution of the Southern African Monsoon From Late Miocene to Early Pliocene

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
2023-08-29 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2572-4525
Contributors: Azevedo; Francisco J. JIMENEZ-ESPEJO; Francesca Bulian; Francisco J. Sierro; Deborah Tangunan; Yasuhiro Takashimizu; Albuquerque, A.L.; Kaoru Kubota; Carlota Escutia; Richard Norris et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Climate Evolution Through the Onset and Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation

Reviews of Geophysics
2023-07-09 | Journal article | Author
Part of ISSN: 1944-9208
Contributors: Erin McClymont; Sze Ling Ho; Heather L. Ford; Ian Bailey; M. A. Berke; Clara Bolton; Stijn De Schepper; Georgia Rose Grant; Jeroen Groeneveld; Gordon Inglis et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Ti(c)k to(c)k: Into the geologic clock

Past Global Changes Horizons
2022-06 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Persistent influence of precession on northern ice sheet variability since the early Pleistocene

2022-05-27 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1095-9203
Contributors: Stephen Barker; Aidan Starr; Jeroen van der Lubbe; Alice Doughty; Gregor Knorr; Stephen Conn; Sian Lordsmith; Lindsey Owen; Alexandra Nederbragt; Sidney Hemming et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

A plio-pleistocene (C. 0–4 ma) cyclostratigraphy for iodp site u1478 (mozambique channel, sw indian ocean): Exploring an offshore record of paleoclimate and ecosystem variability in se africa

Newsletters on Stratigraphy
2021 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 23636122 00780421
Contributors: Koutsodendris, A.; Nakajima, K.; Kaboth-Bahr, S.; Berke, M.A.; Franzese, A.M.; Hall, I.R.; Hemming, S.R.; Just, J.; Levay, L.J.; Pross, J. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Scopus - Elsevier

Antarctic icebergs reorganize ocean circulation during Pleistocene glacials

2021 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 14764687 00280836
Contributors: Starr, A.; Hall, I.R.; Barker, S.; Rackow, T.; Zhang, X.; Hemming, S.R.; van der Lubbe, H.J.L.; Knorr, G.; Berke, M.A.; Bigg, G.R. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Scopus - Elsevier

Latitudinal Migrations of the Subtropical Front at the Agulhas Plateau Through the Mid‐Pleistocene Transition

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
2021-07 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2572-4525
Contributors: Alejandra Cartagena-Sierra; Melissa Berke; Rebecca Robinson; Basia Marcks; Isla S. Castañeda; Aidan Starr; Ian R. Hall; Sidney R. Hemming; Leah LeVay; Expedition 361 Scientific Party
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Strong glacial-interglacial variability in upper ocean hydrodynamics, biogeochemistry, and productivity in the southern Indian Ocean

Communications Earth & Environment
2021-05-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Deborah Tangunan; Melissa A. Berke; Alejandra Cartagena-Sierra; José Abel Flores; Jens Gruetzner; Francisco Jiménez-Espejo; Leah J. LeVay; Karl-Heinz Baumann; Oscar Romero; Mariem Saavedra-Pellitero et al.
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Plio‐Pleistocene Continental Hydroclimate and Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures at the Southeast African Margin

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
2021-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2572-4525
Contributors: Audrey Taylor; Melissa A. Berke; Isla S. Castañeda; Andreas Koutsodendris; Hernan Campos; Ian R. Hall; Sidney R. Hemming; Leah LeVay; Alejandra Cartagena-Sierra; Keith O'Connor et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Variations in coccolithophore productivity off South Africa over the last 500 kyr

Marine Micropaleontology
2020-09 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0377-8398
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Data report: evaluation of shipboard magnetostratigraphy by alternating field demagnetization of discrete samples, Expedition 361, Site U1475

Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program
2020-07-15 | Book chapter
Part of ISSN: 2377-3189
Contributors: Janna Just
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

A New Seismic Stratigraphy in the Indian-Atlantic Ocean Gateway Resembles Major Paleo-Oceanographic Changes of the Last 7 Ma

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
2019 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 15252027
Contributors: Gruetzner, J.; Jiménez Espejo, F.J.; Lathika, N.; Uenzelmann-Neben, G.; Hall, I.R.; Hemming, S.R.; Levay, L.J.; Barker, S.; Berke, M.A.; Brentegani, L. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Scopus - Elsevier

Rheology and Biostratigraphy of the Mariana Serpentine Muds Unravel Mud Volcano Evolution

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
2019-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Walter Menapace; Deborah Tangunan; Michael Maas; Trevor Williams; Achim Kopf
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎


Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
2018 | Conference paper
Part of ISSN: 0016-7592
Contributors: University of Bremen; Chelsea A. Korpanty; S. Boehnert; S. Boeske; R. Borges; F. Capparelli; C. Cavaleiro; A. Contreras; R. Dallmayr; V. Durán Toro et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Late Pleistocene to Holocene productivity changes in the western equatorial Pacific (Sulu Sea, Philippines) from calcareous nannofossils

Marine Micropaleontology
2018-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Deborah N. Tangunan; Alyssa M. Peleo-Alampay
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The last 1 million years of the extinct genus Discoaster: Plio–Pleistocene environment and productivity at Site U1476 (Mozambique Channel)

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
2018-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Deborah N. Tangunan; Karl-Heinz Baumann; Janna Just; Leah J. LeVay; Stephen Barker; Luna Brentegani; David De Vleeschouwer; Ian R. Hall; Sidney Hemming; Richard Norris
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Expedition 361 methods

Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program
2017-09-30 | Book chapter
Part of ISSN: 2377-3189
Contributors: I.R. Hall; S.R. Hemming; L.J. LeVay; S. Barker; M.A. Berke; L. Brentegani; T. Caley; A. Cartagena-Sierra; C.D. Charles; J.J. Coenen et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Expedition 361 summary

Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program
2017-09-30 | Book chapter
Part of ISSN: 2377-3189
Contributors: I.R. Hall; S.R. Hemming; L.J. LeVay; S. Barker; M.A. Berke; L. Brentegani; T. Caley; A. Cartagena-Sierra; C.D. Charles; J.J. Coenen et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Site U1474

Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program
2017-09-30 | Book chapter | Author
Part of ISSN: 2377-3189
Contributors: Ian R. Hall; Sidney Hemming; Leah LeVay; Stephen Barker; M.A. Berke; L. Brentegani; T. Caley; A. Cartagena-Sierra; C.D. Charles; J.J. Coenen et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Site U1475

Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program
2017-09-30 | Book chapter
Part of ISSN: 2377-3189
Contributors: I.R. Hall; S.R. Hemming; L.J. LeVay; S. Barker; M.A. Berke; L. Brentegani; T. Caley; A. Cartagena-Sierra; C.D. Charles; J.J. Coenen et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Site U1476

Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program
2017-09-30 | Book chapter
Part of ISSN: 2377-3189
Contributors: I.R. Hall; S.R. Hemming; L.J. LeVay; S. Barker; M.A. Berke; L. Brentegani; T. Caley; A. Cartagena-Sierra; C.D. Charles; J.J. Coenen et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Site U1477

Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program
2017-09-30 | Book chapter
Part of ISSN: 2377-3189
Contributors: I.R. Hall; S.R. Hemming; L.J. LeVay; S. Barker; M.A. Berke; L. Brentegani; T. Caley; A. Cartagena-Sierra; C.D. Charles; J.J. Coenen et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Site U1479

Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program
2017-09-30 | Book chapter
Part of ISSN: 2377-3189
Contributors: I.R. Hall; S.R. Hemming; L.J. LeVay; S. Barker; M.A. Berke; L. Brentegani; T. Caley; A. Cartagena-Sierra; C.D. Charles; J.J. Coenen et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Insolation forcing of coccolithophore productivity in the western tropical Indian Ocean over the last two glacial‐interglacial cycles

2017-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Deborah Tangunan; Karl‐Heinz Baumann; Jürgen Pätzold; Rüdiger Henrich; Michal Kucera; Ricardo De Pol‐Holz; Jeroen Groeneveld
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Post-Collision Deposition of Balanga Formation in northwest Mindoro, Philippines: Calcareous Nannofossil Evidence

2014 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2331-656X
Contributors: Deborah N. Tangunan; Alyssa M. Peleo-Alampay; Jamila B. Abuda; Lara Angeli T. Mambuay; Camille Regina A. Ramos; Allan Gil S. Fernando; Carla B. Dimalanta; Decibel V. Faustino-Eslava; Chelo S. Pascua; Edmundo P. Vargas Vargas
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Post-Collision Deposition of Balanga Formation in northwest Mindoro, Philippines: Calcareous Nannofossil Evidence

2014 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 1547139X
Contributors: Tangunan, D.N.; Peleo-Alampay, A.M.; Abuda, J.B.; Mambuay, L.A.T.; Ramos, C.R.A.; Fernando, A.G.S.; Dimalanta, C.B.; Faustino-Eslava, D.V.; Pascua, C.S.; Vargas, E.P.
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Scopus - Elsevier

Climate and carbon cycling across the mid-Pliocene Warm Period

Contributors: Deborah Tangunan; Ian Hall; Luc Beaufort; Paul Halloran; Aidan Starr; Alexandra Nederbragt
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

The early to mid-Pliocene latitudinal migration of the Southern Ocean subtropical front (IODP Site U1475, Agulhas Plateau)

Contributors: Deborah Tangunan; Ian Hall; Luc Beaufort; Melissa Berke; Leah LeVay; Luz Maria Mejia; Heiko Pälike; Aidan Starr; Jose Abel Flores
Source: Self-asserted source
Deborah Tangunan via Crossref Metadata Search

Peer review (2 reviews for 2 publications/grants)

Review activity for Nature communications (1)
Review activity for Scientific data. (1)